Heaven (angst, fluff)

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Fuck Wattpad, I hate you. Google docs sait I have written 4000 words, asspad sait it's 3880. It really messes with me bc I was proud for once that I can actually write a long story, but no, it's not much longer than the average I wrote. 

Ok sorry for the vent, anyways, I've written this over a week and despite all I'm quite proud of it except it's very sappy and  fluffy a sweet and hella romantic...

Anyways, it's Biffsuma (what else) and a songfic from Heaven by Andy Black. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Warnings: Mentions of sex but noting remotely graphic or anything, Lime but rlly soft, Smoking, Mention of drug/weed use but blink and you'll miss it, Alcohol.

These are the warnings to, the story isn't really that angsty.


Thought I was chasing my dreams in this heartbreak town

He smiles painfully as he walks home. His shoes are worn out, gray and dirty, he can see his socks through the hole on the front as he stares at his feet while moving his legs on the road. The asphalt is black and dirty, it's making dust fly up as he steps on it, but it doesn't reach up far enough to breathe it in.

His shirt is wrinkled, holes on his jeans, backpack barely held together by strained streams. School sucked. There were people there who didn't like him, and they made sure he knew this every day.

He always tells himself that they are the asses and he has no fault in that, but it's hard sometimes.

Passing through the streets 'til the sun went down

The sun hasn't disappeared yet under the horizon, but was barely visible from behind the tall buildings and skyscrapers around him, casting a grey shadow over the streets of the town, colors are barely visible anymore, everything is a grey shadowy maze. He turns around another corner instinctively, he could find his way home even if he was blind. It's getting cold, and he shivers in the cold breeze washing through the roads.

I was lost and found

He finally arrived at the door of the house, quickly typing in the pin to unlock the door to the hall and the stairway, stepping in and strolling up the stairs. It was dark and quiet, the only things he could hear was the faint and blunt noise of the cars passing by outside and the loud echo of his steps on the dusty cement stairs. He got up to the 3rd story, pulling his bag onto the front panting heavily, zipping it open to grab his keys. He opened the door with a semi-loud creek and walked in closing it after himself. He threw his backpack onto the wooden floor, shrugging off his shoes and kicking them aside as well.

"Biffa you're home?" he calls out, walking to the kitchen to get some food. He lets out a surprised yelp when he was suddenly pushed up against the wall with the earlier mentioned man's face dangerously close to his, a coy smile plastered all over his face. "Is this ok?" he whispers, X can feel his breath on his lips.

When you kissed me

"Yes-" he pants, out of breath. Their lips meet in a hurry, breaths mingled together as they kiss. X pants and shudders as Biffa deepens the kiss, tongue exploring his mouth wanting to feel every bit of him. X's hands latch onto Biffa's shirt, not pulling in but not pushing away either. Biffa pulls a hand through his hair, wiping the strands out from his face.

They pull away for air, Xisuma looks like he just ran a marathon, panting heavily and his hair untidy and extremely adorable in Biffa's opinion.

We would stare at the lights on Canyon Street

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