I'll always have time for you (fluff)

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So, sorry for uploading this late, but I've been a bit lazy at school, and now my parents found out, so I barely have time on my phone, I don't know if I'll be able to write for a while (while like a week so not that much) but I'll try.

Anyways, Kerdubs fluff because my other Kerdubs chapter was the most read in my book.

1700 words

"Huh" Bdubs sighed, "Well, glad that's done." He stood in front of the new Red Zone, admiring his build. He had spent many hours building it, and it was tiring. He really liked the building, but during the past month of being on the server, he seemed to lose inspiration. You see  Bubbles and Keralis were dating almost from when they re-met. But at the start of the new season, they settled in different areas, and they barely met. Bdubs didn't like Keralis's absence. He missed his boyfriend very much, but just time didn't seem to be on their side. He took off his bandana and wiped off the sweat from his forehead, before putting it back on. The sun was hot on the island, and his long-sleeved shirt didn't help with bearing the warm air. His sleeves were pushed up, which would make him more handsome in Keralis's eyes if he was there. But Bubbles had a plan. He missed Keralis, and he had to do something to get him back. They've been so out of touch, so he needed to do something. He took off to the place he's been working on in the past weeks. It was almost finished, but he didn't mind the hard work if it was for Keralis.


Twenty blocks of concrete here, in a line, Keralis murmured in the long monotonous process of building the road. He had been working on it for 6 hours in a row now, but he didn't stop, just to stretch his back once in a while. He was exhausted from the inhuman hours of work he'd done but he still didn't spare time to himself. If he'd do it just became worse, having the uncontrollable feeling of being worthless.

It started at the beginning of the season but got worse as he and Bubbles got out of contact. 'He probably hates he' 'He finally realized that he's much better than me' thoughts swirled in his mind. No no no, not now, he panicked. He couldn't afford a panic attack now, he had work to do. 'Not just worthless to Bubbles the hermits don't like you either, they just keep you in out of pity, and the work you do for them.'

He took of maybe a flight around will help to calm down. But no, he felt tears escaping his tired, red eyes. Luckily he had safely landed next to the graffitied walls. He pulled his legs up to his chest and quietly sobbed. His depressing thoughts took over him, as he silently cried to himself. He didn't feel the time going he could have been there for hours or just ten minutes of sobbing when he heard rockets. He hugged himself more tightly, wishing to disappear. No-one should see him like this. But the windy sound of elytras was coming closer until the person in it landed on the concrete in front of him.

"Keralis can I touch you?" asked Bubble's anxious voice. He leaned down that his face was in front of Keralis's and looked at him worriedly. He gently put a hand on the other man's arm, watching if he jerks away. When he didn't, he placed both of his hands on the other hermit's shoulder and looked at him with a gentle smile. "Shh, it's gonna be okay" he whispered softly while rubbing circles in the others back.

Keralis slowly started to calm down, sobs getting quieter. He lifted his head to be met with Bubbles beautiful deep dark blue eyes. People said he had calming eyes, but Bdubs's was nothing compared to that. His pure blue eyes were like a large blue endless sea, once you fall for them, you'll never get out. No no no, this is not the time of thinking about him Keralis scolded himself, but he was mesmerized by his boyfriend (if you can still call him that).

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