Chapter 3

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Felix pov

The next day, I woke up in bed, not have slept this good in a long time. I lifted my upper body a little from the bed and looked around with my vision still a little blurry. I was in my room, in my bed... didn't I sleep cuddling on-
And thats when I remembered literally everything from Changbin asking me if we want to cuddle, to me falling asleep on top of him...
Not gonna lie, I do already miss his touch... but how did I even get here, weren't we downstairs on the couch- wait did he carry me AGAIN?

I swung my legs out of bed, and walked to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth, cleansing my face, doing my hair and all those annoying things you do in the morning.

Being ready for the day, I hurried out the bathroom and downstairs, wanting to see Changbin, who usually wakes up before I do

To my surprise, there wasn't anyone.

I looked in every single room downstairs, but didn't find him, so I figured he must me still in his room sleep or working in his, as we call it "music room"

I went upstairs, calling for him but no answer.

Arriving at his room, I knocked on the door "Hyung are you awake?"
No asnwer
"I'm coming in"

I opened the door and entered the room.
No Changbin.
But what I saw, made me take a step back in shock.

Clothes were thrown everywhere onto the floor. The bed was messy. Half of the drawers and closets left opened. Shards from a broken mirror were in corner of the room.

It looked like world War 3 had gone down in that room.

I didn't know what had happened or why his room looked like this, with hald of his things either broken or thrown onto the floor. And my dumbass didn't hear anything since I was sleeping so happily.

I took a few steps around the room, trying to calm my nerves. Reaching the corner with the shattered mirror, I noticed something red on a few of the fragments.

Wanting to take a closer look, I bent down and carefully picked one of the pieces up.
I inspected it, looking at it from every direction and lastly smelling it.
And it smelled something like... LIKE BLOOD?!!

I completely freaked out and panicked. What kind of a movie is this?
Why does his room look this wasted?
Why in his mirror broken and WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON SOME OF THE PIECEC?!
Where even is he!?

Last chance: his music room

I stormed out the bedroom and ran across the hallway to the other room. I opened the door, only to find another place without Changbin.

At this point I was out of my mind. I took my phone out of my pocket
No messages.
I went to my contacts and quickly called Chan and Hyunjin over. Without even explaining why I needed them RIGHT THIS SECOND, I just hung up, my eyes getting watery and my head starting to ache.

I went to the living room and sat down onto the couch where me and Changbin  were cuddling yesterday. This stinging feeling in heart just wouldn't stop, i cried my eyes out, hugging my knees to my head and letting sobs out onto my thighs.

15 minutes later, I heard the front door opened. Chan and Hyunjin who used their old keys to open the door, came in and saw me curled up on the couch.

"Oh my god Felix whats going on? What happened?" Hyunjin worryingly asked, as Chan and himself sat next to me.

I looked up from my knees, looking at Hyunjin with my red swollen eyes and just crying even harder.

"We can't help you if you don't tell us what's going on" Hyunjin spoke again, rubbing circles onto my back "and where's Changbin? Why isn't he here for you?"

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