Chapter 41

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Felix opened the backdoor of Chans car, lowered his upper body, got inside and sat down at the backseat before closing the door.

Chan was in the driver seat, Jeongin next to him. They were driving to Hyunjins and Seungmins place, so they might as well bring their neighbor with them.

"Felix why didn't you tell me you're having troubles with eating again?" Was the first thing Chan said with a concerned tone, looking at Felix through the small rear view mirror as he was making himself comfortable.

Felix stopped moving and looked into the mirror, back at Chan.

"Oh yeah, you know, I'm not having troubles, my metabolism has just been working more than it used to" stupid. Felix mentally scolded himself for saying something that couldn't be less accurate.

"Felix what are you-"

Jeongin placed his hand on Chans, signaling him that he maybe shouldn't push it even further.

"Let's drive and meet our friends, how about that?" Jeongin smiled at Felix through the mirror. Felix smiled back in a thankful way.

Chan just sigh and started driving, he wanted to give Felix the space he needed.


After a good 15 minute drive, they arrived infront of the boys' house, finding a parking lot and parking there.

All three exited the car and headed for the door.

Felix started having this weird feeling again, knowing Changbin was going to be there, but he won't be able to hug or talk to him.

Chan was about to hit the door bell, but Jeongin grabbed his hand on time before he was able to do so.

"Chan can we give Felix a moment to take a deep breath?"

Chan took a look at Felix who was nervously rubbing up and down his arm, looking everywhere but at the door.

"It'll all work out again Lix" Chan placed his hand on Felix' shoulder, Jeongin smiling at them.

Felix nodded and shook his head, as if it would shake his anxiety and nervousness away.

He forced on a smile and straightened his back "Okey I'm ready"

All three boys almost had their heart stop when the door suddenly opened. Especially Felix when he saw who opened it.

"Why the heck are you guys standing out here in the cold?" Changbin said as he looked at the people infront of him.

"We just arrived actually" Chan smiled and gave Changbin a short hug when he entered "how have you been?"

"Pretty good" Changbin answered while hugging Jeongin.

"That's good to hear" Jeongin said, also entering, getting his shoes off as quickly as possible, then rushing inside with Chan, purposely leaving Felix and Changbin alone. Maybe they will finally talk it out?

"And how have you been Felix?" Changbin asked, moving away for Felix to get inside. Again his voice changed when talking to Felix, but this time it wasn't as intimidating as last time.

He saw how Felix had lost weight again, but he didn't show any reaction to it.

"O-oh.. you know, pretty good as well" he fake smiled, getting off his shoes and jacket while Changbin was closing the door.

Felix got up from the position he was in to untie his shoe laces. He wanted something, but he knew he wasn't going to get it, so he turned around and planned on walking inside to greet his other friends.

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