chapter 6

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Felix pov

There must be more to this.

I went to the GPS app and typed the address in again
"15 minutes away"

I walked the route it gave me, walking the same path back until I saw the lake again. This time passing by not paying attention at all, now going into a direction I didn't walk before. I had to turn on the flashlight of my phone since it had already gotten dark and I wasn't able to see anything.

I walked and walked as a few minutes passed, feeling like it was an eternity.

Until.. I actually saw something in the distance wich might have the shape of a house?

"No way" I said to myself, and started running towards what I spotted. The closer I got, the more it looked like a house.

Then I arrived, and stopped.

It was right in front of me.

Rubbing my eyes still didn't make it feel real.

It was dark, so I quickly went up the porch and looked at the door.
"Seo family"
There's no way this is real.
Why did this bitch ass guy lie to me? Asking him was such a waste of time, I could've just continued on the way the GPS gave me. Ughh.
Okey okey I'm here now.

A bit of light was coming from a few windows, so he must be here. The curtains were closed though, wich made it impossible to look inside.
So this is it?
I'm going to finally see him?
Why am I getting this nervous all of a sudden?

I kept staring at the door for minutes, being strangely nervous. Does he even want to see me?

In the end I just decided to knock on the door.

Knocking three times, I took a step back and waited in anticipation and excitement, but still slightly nervous.

After a few seconds the door opened slowly

"Can I help yo-"

There he was.
It was Changbin standing right in front of me after such a long time.

He looked very VERY shocked to see me but I couldn't hold it anymore.


I almost jumped on him, hugging him as tight as possible, burying my head into his neck, not wanting to ever let go again
He hesitated a bit but slowly put his arms around me as well and hugged back

I almost jumped on him, hugging him as tight as possible, burying my head into his neck, not wanting to ever let go againHe hesitated a bit but slowly put his arms around me as well and hugged back

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I cried my heart out, unable to comprehend having him in my arms again.

"H-hyung I.. I missed you so much. It's unbearable, I can't be away from y-you anymore" I got out between sobs, not daring to break the hug. It finally felt like I was complete again.

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