Chapter 88

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All the boys have laid down in a line on the grass in front of the lake. Felix with Changbin, next to them Chan and Jeongin, Minho and Jisung and lastly Seungmin and Hyunjin. They were looking up, enjoying the stars and lights getting reflected by the peaceful water.

They were laying down pretty much normally, each couple together as always, except for Changbin and Felix.

The older of the two was holding his now fiance tightly, way too tight, snuggling him closer although it wasn't even physically possible anymore. His head nuzzling onto the youngers chest as he received comforting pats on his hair.

"He must be traumatized" Hyunjin laughed out, Jisung sharing the same braincell and following him.

"Shush, you know how nerve-wracking it can be" Chan defended the clingy boy, Hyunjin sighing as he knew the dad was right once again.

"What even happened out there?" Minho asked, raising his head up a little from the ground to look over at Changbin and Felix.

Changbin didn't asnwer though, he just kept his position next to and slightly ontop of Felix, not letting go.

This made Felix sigh as he still felt a little bad. He used one hand to run it through the olders hair, trying to make him somehow feel better as he himself explained.

"I kinda freaked out on him" Felix simply exclaimed, Jisung, Hyunjin and Seungmin choking on air.

"You what?"
"Why?" Seungmin asked "It looked like he was the murderer of your cat and you were trying to fight him"

Even Chan slightly chuckled at that one.

"Yah! It's not funny!" Changbin suddenly yelled out and surprised everyone, but that only made them laugh more.

"Alright shut up and hear me out" Felix started "I– ... well I wanted to propose tomorrow–" and stopped when everyone gasped.

"I said listen I'm not finished!" He sighed at his friends "he basically ruined my proposal to him by proposing first so I kinda unintentionally freaked out"

Changbin held tighter onto him as he spoke. He sighed again, not being able but to feel guilty for losing himself.

And while he was feeling bad for what he did, the others were just laughing. Not sure whether it was because the reason was stupid or because Felix' proposal was ruined, but either way, they were laughing and it made Felix slightly mad.

"Guys, can't you see him being all–"

"We know" Chan interrupted him "It's just funny how you two decided to propose at the same time"

"Chan of course they would, they're soulmates" Jeongin budged in, hugging Chan and lowly humming a song. His husband just laughed in response and the boys went on to talk about another topic.

So while everyone else was talking about bears, how fluffy and cuddly they are and how each one of them knew someone who looked like a bear from the past, Felix was thinking more about what Jeongin had said.


"Mh?" Changbin tiredly answered without changing his position.

"Do you think we're soulmates?"

"I don't care"

Felix was a little taken aback "you don't?"

"Lix I don't give a shit about whether we're soulmates or not. We're together now and that's what matters to me. I don't care about anything else"

The younger just chuckled a bit and kept on doing his action of calming Changbin down "You're right"

"Hyungs" Jeongin spoke up "I hate saying this but I love you all"

After earning a series of 'Awws' back, Jeongin sighed and regretted showing gratitude for once.

"This is exactly why I hate saying something nice to you guys"

"Awh look at the maknae being nice" Minho laughed and turned to his side, letting go of Jisung and grabbing Jeongin, stealing him from Chan.

"Hey!" All three boys exclaimed. Jeongin for being forced into a hug, Chan for having his baby taken away from him and Jisung for now being alone.

"Jeez calm down, just wanted a simple hug from the youngest" Minho complained, having Jeongin and everyone else laughing.

"Okay fine" Jeongin smiled and went to snuggle Minho, the older gladly holding him.

"Ew, Minho gets soft with Jeongin" Seungmin teased, getting a glare from the older.

Everyone was just having fun and laughing. Even Changbin had calmed down and was now teasing and annoying his friends as usual.

They stayed until late at night, no one even mentioning going back home or going to the house in the forest. They enjoyed their time together, pressuring Minho to finally propose to Jisung too.

"Who even said I wanted to Marry him?" Jisung chuckled as his friends were teasing his boyfriend.

"Little–" Minho looked at him in disbelief "Wait until we get home and you'll see" he threatened, smirking as the boy became red instantly.

"Guys" Changbin spoke up, getting everyones attention "remember when you guys moved out?"

They nodded.

"Can we hug like that again?"

"Since when is Changbin-hyung soft like that?" Jeongin asked with a laugh, already getting up like everyone else.

The boys created a circle, each one of them having his arms on someone elses back. They shuffled closer to each other. The circle became smaller and smaller until they were all hugging.

It was like the day everything had started. The day everyone had moved out. Only this time, they weren't laughing and joking around while hugging. It wasn't teasing or annoying each other.

But for the first time, they just hugged in silence. No one speaking a word, just hugging each other tightly with a smile on their faces.

Because even if they don't say it, they love each other.

They were eight boys who were hugging somewhere, in one certain forest under the stary night. The lights shining opon them, their bond couldn't be stronger.

Felix, Changbin, Chan, Jeongin, Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, Hyunjin.

Their bond isn't going to break.



PLEASE READ - More stuff about this story:

Hey guys! Thanks to everyone who has been supporting this book over the past 7 months.

I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well.

I know a few people like this book a lot and may be sad that it's over. All good things must come to an end, but I have something for the ones who'd like to read a few more chapters.

I will be writing a few extra chapters for this story in the near future and post them here, so stay tuned for that.

If you liked reading this book of mine, then I'd like to ask you to give my new book 'Reborn' a chance which will be released soon.

Again, thanks to everyone who read this and gave it support. Thanks for every single vote and every single precious comment, they mean so much to me.

If you have any feedback or requests for the extra chapters, then please leave them here. Feedback helps me see what I did good and what needs improvement.

Thanks everyone, love you :)


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