Chapter 55

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•°Smut warning°•


They two boys arrived at home and opened the door, entering and taking off their shoes and jackets.

Changbin moved and wanted to head inside but Felix grabbed his wrist and turned him back around, crashing their lips together. Without hesitation the older kissed back, bringing his arms to wrap them around Felix' waist, pulling him close to his body.

Felix never broke the kiss as it slowly turned into a hot make out. He moved a little to the wall, pressing Changbin against it as they continued their heated kiss.

"Changbin" Felix mumbled between kisses "I want you so bad.."

Changbin pulled away for a second, both of them catching their breaths "You're tired Felix, I can't go hard on you now"

"Then don't... just fuck me Changbin"

"I love you Lix"
"But I have to go take a shower"

"I'll shower with you"
"Yes yes"
"That's the best idea I ever had"
"We have a shower as big as a whole room, why don't we use it for once?"

Felix got all excited at the idea of showering with his boyfriend, he leaned in again, connecting their lips into another kiss. After a few seconds, he pulled away, grabbing Changbins wrist and pulling him to their bed room.

Felix quickly got clothes for himself and for Changbin, also the bottle of lube in case they needed it.

He then walked up to Changbin who was standing by the door frame the whole time, watching amused at how excited Felix was while getting the clothes, a smile on his face.

Felix held Changbins Hand, intertwining their fingers "Come on, let's go"

He then lead the way to their other bathroom. They loved the one with the bathtub in it, but their main bathroom with the huge shower was more convenient for now.

They walked inside and Felix instantly closed the door and locked it, even if they were the only ones in the house.

Not wanting to wait anymore, he let the clothes fall to the ground, pushing Changbin against the wall again and attacking his lips with another make out.

Changbin didn't mind that, he liked confident Felix, it was hot.

Felix' body felt weak. It was true, he was more tired than usual and the fact that he was kissing Changbin right now didn't help.

"I won't be able to take much.. but please just give me anything, please don't leave me hanging this time"

Changbin realized how desperate Felix was and he really didn't want to leave him on edge this time.

He smiled and pulled away from the kiss, going to turn the shower on, the steam of the warm water quickly filling the room, bringing the temperature up.

Once he got back to Felix, he put his hands onto the younges waist and looked him in the eyes "just so you know, I'm not always going to be as gentle as today, so enjoy it"

Felix smiled and nodded, moving his hand to take Changbins shirt off. Changbin raised his arms, letting the younger do so. Coming into Felix' sight was Changbins upper body, his glowing skin, his abs, his chest, they were things he couldn't get enough of.

He stared for a bit too long doing nothing else, so Changbin grabbed Felix' hands and placed them onto his chest.

"You can touch me, you know that"

Felix simply smiled and ran both of his hands down Changbins torso, biting his lip at the warm feeling of the skin. His eyes then glanced at the bandages which he didn't even notice at first since he got so used to Changbin wearing them.

He brushed his hand down Changbins arms looking into his eyes "when are you getting these off?"

"My arms should be healed by now"
"But honestly I was just too scared to look at them"

"Why Binnie?"

"I don't know how bad the scaring is going to be"

"Binnie.." Felix smiled at his boyfriend, bringing one hand up to the olders face "you want to take a look at them together?"

Changbin looked a little unsure, but he had to take these off some day right? And he figured it would be the best if Felix was there to support him. He nodded and they moved to sit on the ground. Changbin sat down cross legged and Felix sat onto his knees in front of him.

Felix held Changbins arm by his wrist, searching for the beginning of the bandage, then finally finding it.

He looked at Changbin one last time, giving him a reassuring smile, before starting to unwrap the bandage. Little by little Changbins arm came into sight, until Felix had pulled the material away completely.

Both him and Changbin looked at his arm, Changbin looking away shortly after, disappointment and shame washing over him. Felix was confused, there were barely any scars, just the very deep cuts formed some and that was great, so why was Changbin acting that way?

"Bin, what's going on?"

"I just hoped that somehow I wouldn't have any scars left... and we don't even know how my second arm and legs look like"

Felix didn't answer, instead he pulled Changbins arm up, started to kiss the few scars, hoping to give the older a reassuring feeling that way.

"You're still beautiful and hot" he mumbled, looking back up at Changbin after kissing the last scar.

Changbin just smiled, trying to hide his feelings somehow.

Felix proceeded and took the baggage of Changbins other arm off, again almost no scars visible, even less than on the first arm. Felix was happy and kissed them again, Changbin watching him with a smile and appreciating every little kiss, even if on the inside he wished it wasn't that way.

"Hey" Felix made Changbin look at him "I- .. y-you.."

"Yes baby?"

Felix' eyes were firmly shining, glowing and radiating with happiness and joy as they scanned over Changbins body.

"You're even hotter without those on..."


To help you imagine the shower, here's an example of how it could look like.

Imagine it how you want, it's just a big ass shower :)

Imagine it how you want, it's just a big ass shower :)

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