Chapter 72

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"Who do you want to call over?" Felix asked Changbin as they layed on the couch, Felix ontop of Changbin. They arrived at home about 3 hours ago.

"I'll tell you in a sec, but look" Changbin turned his phone to Felix, showing him the messages he got.


Heyy Hyung!!

Don't know if you can remember me, but I'm Oliver, the one who drove you guys to the forest.

Thank you again for what you did for me, it helped me so much.. :)

I hope you guys are doing okay.

"Oliver texted you?"

"Yeah, and I'm kind of really happy about it"

"Really? Why?" Felix asked, his voice soft and calm.

"He looked like a nice boy you know? Reminded me of myself"
"OH MY GOD" Changbin suddenly sat up, making Felix sit up on him too.

"What?" The boy chuckled.

"Can we invite him over with the boys and Chaeyoung?"

Felix chuckled, looking at Changbin in a loving way.

"Of course he can come"

The two boys started texting everyone to come over in about an hour or two. They themselves got really excited about seeing everyone again, especially Changbin since he felt a connection with Oliver and he wanted to see the boy again.

He kind of saw Oliver as a little brother, even after seeing him just once. It was weird, but they connected right away and Changbin was really happy to hear from him again.

"Lix" Changbin called out, the younger who's still sitting on his lap turning to the side to face him.


"Oliver asked if his brother could tag along" Changbin continued, showing Felix the messages.

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
Of course, I'd love to see you guys again :)

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
But is it okay if my brother comes with me? He said he's bored to death and wants to meet new people since he kind of hates his current friend group.

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
He's about you guys' age. I mean yes, he does seem evil sometimes, but he really is a good human with a pure heart.

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
Or at least that's what I found out today😂

Felix carefully read the messages, then turned back to Changbin.

"Alright first of all, of course he can come too and you don't always have to ask me, I mean this is your house as well, not just mine" he chuckled a bit "and second of all, I'm kind of curious. Could you maybe ask him what he means by that? Just make sure not to ask something too personal"

Changbin smiled and gave Felix a kiss onto his cheek before turning back to his phone and typing in a message.

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓

If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean you found out today?

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
No of course you can ask!! :)

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
Well, today he came back home with tears in his eyes. Honestly I had no idea what was going on with him, but when I asked him, all he said was: "I'm such a bad person for hurting someone" and then he ran into his room.

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
He refused to tell me what's going on so I stopped asking about it, but I believe he's a nice person for regretting whatever it is that he did and feeling guilty about it🤷🏻‍♀️

Ah I see. I hope he's doing alright. Meeting us and our crackhead friendgroup will hopefully cheer him up. I'm excited for you to meet everyone else as well :)

What's his name?

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
His name is Andre

Interesting name^^

Alright, I'll see you in bit👋🏻

Little brother🧑🏻‍🎓
Bye Hyung ❤

Changbin showed the younger the messages one last time and he simply nodded after reading all of the them.

"He sent you a heart, it's cute"

"I knoow. He's adorable"


Time quickly passed and the first few people arrived at the boys' house.

Jeongin and his fiance were sitting on the couch. Hyunjin was as always playing with the rabbits and Seugmin just watching him with a smile.

Felix and Chaeyoung were having a little conversation, catching up with each other. He once again thanked her for everything she did and still does for them. She really helped Felix with supporting Changbin these two months.

Minho and Jisung no where to be found, everyone already knowing why they're late. Oliver and Andre also not here yet.

"Where did you meet them?" Chan asked Changbin, Jeongin also listening in.

"Oliver was our uber from literally months ago. He drove us to the forest and I decided go give him a little tip for school"

"Littke tip? How much?" Jeongin asked.


"150$?!!?!?" Both boys exclaimed at the same time.
"That's a lot"

"He seemed to need it, so yeah"
"And now he'll be here soon" Changbin smiled like a proud dad.

"Damn, you saw him like one time and you already adopted him"

Changbin chuckled at the statement, but cut off when the bell rang.

"Either it's Minho and Jisung or Oliver and Andre" Felix told Changbin from afar "could you open the door? I'll follow you in a moment"

Changbin nodded and excused himself from the couple, standing up and heading towards the door.

He felt excited and so he immediatly opened the door once he arrived at the entrance of the house.

Though the person he saw, wasn't any of the ones he expected.

His eyes widened and he quickly felt the memories come back. His head starting to ache, dizzi and confused. Heart in pain and body just shaking with anger and sadness.

What was he doing here?

He wasn't the only one who had this reaction though.

The guy standing infront of the door reacting the same way as he did.

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