Chapter 47

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Changbin went to the bathroom and ran a bath, he did everything he did last time. From turning on candles to using some sweet scent to have that relaxing vibe.

When he came back into the bed room, he saw Felix laying there under the blankets. His eyes were closed and a huge smile drawn onto his face.

Changbin smiled at the sight and went to the boy, lightly shaking his shoulder.


Felix stirred a little, opening his heavy eyes "..yes Binnie?"

"Would you like to take the bath tomorrow?"
"You look very tired"

"Bath now" Felix weakly smiled.

Changbin helped Felix slowly get out of bed and walked him to the bathroom. As he entered, Felix instantly smiled, remembering the last time Changbin had done this.

"You didn't have to"

"But I wanted to"

Changbin stepped into the tub, pulling Felix inside as well. They both layed down, instantly relaxing their bodies to the warm water.

Not for a second did Felix let go of Changbin, he laid ontop of him, the older holding him like a baby.

"Changbin I love you so much"

"I love you too"

"No, but seriously"
"Just thinking about my life without you hurts"
"I mean you were away for two weeks only and it felt like my whole world had crashed down"
"I honestly could spend my whole life with you"

"You'd spend your whole life with me?"

"I would"
"That's not even a question worth thinking about!"

Changbin chuckled and kissed Felix' forehead "well, you know I feel the same right?"

Felix blushed and nodded, happily smiling to himself.

"Technically, we aren't even dating, are we?" Felix asked, his smile fading away.

"Technically no, mister break up with your boyfriend"

"I-i'm sorry"
"I didn't mean that!"
"I really didn't know what I was saying.." Felix teared up a bit.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay" Changbin cupped the youngers cheeks "it's okay I was just joking. I'm not mad at you in any way, I now understand what you were trying to achieve"

"B-but I still broke up with y-you" Felix looked into Changbins eyes with a saddened expression.

"Oh don't worry"
"That's easily fixable actually" the boy smiled.

"It is? How?"

"Felix, do you wanna be my boyfriend"
"Can I call you mine and only mine?"

That didn't help Felix, it made him tear up even more, remembering the first time Changbin had asked him the same thing.

He smiled and nodded hysterically "Yes!!!"
"Of course you can!"

Both smiled and leaned in for a short sweet and kiss, Changbin letting go of Felix' face after.

"You can even call me your fiance to be honest" Felix joked around.

"Oh you just wait, cause I'm not gonna ask you that in a bathtub"

Felix was just joking around, but actually thinking about Changbin proposing to him made his heart flutter in his chest.

"Well I mean.."
"Would you say yes?" Changbin looked directly into Felix' eyes.

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