Chapter 11

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{Felix pov}

Next day, I woke up with Changbin beside me in his bed. He was laying to the side, facing me but still sleeping. I remembered what happened yesterday and smiled to myself, thinking about our kiss by the lake, under the beautiful moonlight. I'm his boyfriend. I can call myself Changbins... how did I get so lucky? How did I get this lucky, for my feelings to be returned?

I stared at my sleeping boyfriend. He had dark eye bags, the skin on his face was a little irritated and red and he looked stressed and worried. Even though he was sleeping, you could clearly see that he's going through something, and I hated myself for not realizing how tired he looked earlier. I wanted to help him, I wanted his pain to go away, but I promised I wouldn't ask him about it until he's ready.

I ran my hand from the top of his head, down to his hair, his jawline, his cheek, thinking about what on earth might be hurting him.

Then this feeling hit me, and I started craving his kisses, craving the feeling of his lips on mine. I wanted it, to feel those fireworks and butterflies in my stomach again. The two kisses from yesterday weren't enough for me, after the first time I instantly got addicted to that feeling of love, the feeling of him showing me that he loved me through his kisses and the way he holds me.

My body moved on his own, as I unconsciously leaned in, desperate for that warm feeling, and kissed his lips as gently as possible, not wanting to make him uncomfortable in his sleep.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the feeling of his lips, when I suddenly felt him kiss back, putting one hand of his on my cheek, pulling me closer that way. His kisses were sweet and soft, full of love and warmth, once again making me melt into it.

He then slowly pulled away, letting out a small chuckle.

"Well that's a nice way of waking up"

I blushed hard and put my hands on my face, shily trying to avoid his looks and trying to mumble out words "i-i'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to-"

"Noo, it's okay Lixie" he chuckled "You're seriously the cutest"

He reached his hands out to mine, taking them off of my face and looked at me with a smile "You couldn't wait until I wake up?"

I looked away, trying to hide my desperation and how badly I needed this feeling.

He chuckled again "you like getting kisses?"

I nodded lightly, blushing harder, not wanting Changbin to see how weak I am for him.

He made me look at him, and kind of hesitated before talking "Lix, you trust me right?"


"Okay, close your eyes"

I did as I was told, my anticipation rising ...

{Changbin pov}

I hesitated, I didn't know if that was too soon since we've only been together for a single day. But I tried it anyway, seeing how desperate he was, this might help him a little.

"Close your eyes for me okay?"

His eyes almkst immediately fluttered close, leaving his face with a light pink color, probably waiting for me to do another action.

I moved closer and connected our lips again, it took him a moment to respond, but he kissed back, smiling through the kiss.

My hand glided down his neck, then down the side of his body and stopping at his hips.

"Sunshine you have to trust me okay?" I whispered between kisses, not wanting to completely surprise or scare him.

He didn't answer and kept kissing me, not breaking the kiss. He always wanted more and more and this desperation he had, was the sweetest thing about him.

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