Chapter 19

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{Third person}

Time passed and Felix somehow managed to hide the slight issue in his pants until it went away on its own.

He had eaten with Changbin, and now there's a knock on their door. Opening the door, he saw his beloved friends, who instantly all hugged him at once. One of them, Hyunjin, was the first to pull away and go inside, looking for a specific someone.

Once he spotted Changbin in the kitchen, he instantly ran up to him and engaged him into a hug, getting teary eyes.

Hyunjin and Changbin have always been close. The next person they adore the most after their boyfriends, is probably each other. They feel comfortable together, they laugh and joke around, they worry when the other one is hurt. They're basically the definition of best friends, even though it might not always be obvious.

"Hey Jinnie"

"I hate you Changbin, how could you do this? Why didn't you tell me about how you're feeling inside? Do you even know how often I cried this past week, thinking I might not get the chance to tell you how much I appreciate you as a friend and that I'll always cherish the good time we had together? Felix probably had an even harder time than me. Hyung, you don't know how precious you are to us, not just to Felix and me, but also everyone else. You're always listening to us, always helping us out, always taking care of us, and for a moment I was scared I would lose all of that, lose my best friend" by the end, Hyunjin was fully crying, tightly hugging the older, but being careful so he doesn't hurt him.

"Shh don't cry Jinnie" he tried calming Hyunjin with his usual method: slowly rubbing his back, and gently rocking their bodies back and forth. There was something about Changbins hugs that everyone loved. Yes anyone could rock you and rub your back, but it was different with Changbin. Even Minho, the one who only ever hugs Jisung, enjoys his hugs and sometimes even asks for them.

"I'm sorry I caused you guys all of this. I didn't mean to worry you, neither did I want you to cry. I was just so done with my life, I didn't see I had seven amazing friends who are always ready to help me out"

They stayed like this until Hyunjin collected himself again. Felix was looking for both of them when he walked in, Hyunjins back and Changbins face turned to him.

"Guys are you in her-" he stopped, staring at the hugging boys in front of him. He knew Hyunjin was just sad and Changbin's reassuring him. Hyunjin was Felix's friend as well after all, but for some reason, he still felt a little pain in his heart. He wasn't trying to be obsessive or jealous all the time, he just wanted his boyfriends touch for himself.

A smile from Changbin made him leave his trance, mentally scolding himself for being jealous because of a hug.

"Hey Lix, we'll be there in a sec, Hyunjin is just a little emotional right now"

Felix forced a smile and nodded, then quickly walked out and went to his other friends. He felt guilty for feeling this way over a single damn hug, but he couldn't help it.

Hyunjin managed to control his tears and pulled away from the hug, looking at the shorter boy "thank you Hyung. I'm happy we did what we did, you and Felix deserve it"

"What are you talking about? What did you do?"

"You'll find out soon enough, Chan's gonna tell you, let's go"

And so, Hyunjin pulled Changbin anime-girl-style behind him out the kitchen to the living room where everyone was sitting. All of them were smiling, except for Felix wich was looking a little weird, but only Changbin noticed that. Each one of them went to sit with his boyfriend after Changbin greeted everyone, making sure neither Jisung nor Jeongin or anyone else cries.

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