Chapter 57

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°•Smut warning°•


Changbin didn't move, waiting for Felix to get used to it, placing kisses onto the side of his cheek, drowning him with praises.

"You're doing great Lix"
"So so good"

Felix took a minute to adjust, now not feeling a burn anymore, his hips starting to move back against Changbin, blushing at all the praises he got.

"I-i'm ready"

Changbin smiled and slowly started moving, keeping his promise of not going too hard this time. He held Felix' hips, pulling them back in time with his thrusts.


"Feels good?"

"B-better than anything b-before"

It was save to say Changbin didn't think Felix would enjoy that position this much. Buy since he did love it that much, Changbin decided to get the most out of it.

He wrapped his arm around Felix' torso, taking his length into his hand, starting to stroke him again, keeping on placing kisses on the youngers neck.

Felix' whole body trembled with the endless amount of pleasure he was receiving. He didn't think he would love this as much either, but the way Changbin was holding him against the wall, the sound of the water hitting the ground, the warm steam around them and the feeling of being so full all combined was over the top good.

He placed his palms against the wall, supporting himself that way, chocked out moans slipping from his lips.

Changbin noticed Felix' body getting weaker and the boys moans sounding more like a chore than pleasure. So he turned the younger around, facing him and looking him in the eyes.

"Hold onto me"

Felix did as he was told, wrapping his arms around Changbins neck, tilting his head to the back so it was leaned against the wall, scrunching his eyes again when Changbin slid one hand to the back of Felix' knee pit, lifting his leg up and making his thrusts deeper that way.

The moans coming from Felix sounded like Musik to Changbins ears, wanting to hear more of them, make them louder. It felt good to know that he was the one making Felix feel that way.

He used his chance and started placing kisses down Felix' now exposed neck, due to his head which was leaning against the wall for support.

Felix was reacting more than usual this time and with each kiss and thrust, Changbin realized how Felix' skin would shiver under his touch.

"You're oversensetive today.." He mumbled, continuing to kiss and suck onto the youngers neck, keeping his thrusts at a decent, not too fast pace.

Felix tried to catch breaths between his moans, wanting to reply to Changbin. It just wasn't as easy.
Everything felt five times more intense this time, each kiss giving him a burning sensation on his skin, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through his entire body.

"I-.. i- it's.."

"Don't talk, it's okay"
"Just make sure you don't collapse because of me baby boy" Changbin whispered the last part in such a seducive and hot way.

Felix was by now trembling too hard, struggling to keep himself up. Everything Changbin did and the way he talked wasn't helping in making that better.

Changbin pulled him in for a kiss on the lips, feeling Felix struggle to kiss back.

"Why don't we go to the bedroom?"
"It'll be easier for you" He asked, slowing down his thrusts more, giving Felix a short time to breath.

"N-no don't stop now.. I- I'm too close to s-stop.."

"Felix your body is-"

"I can take it"
"I can take it, just don't stop.."

Changbin smiled, as much as it felt good for him, it was more important for him to make sure Felix was comfortable and still okey with what they were doing.

He speeded up again, wanting to give Felix even more. He tried angling his hips, hitting diffrent sports inside Felix, then finally knowing he found the youngers prostate again when he let out a loud and shaky moan, his head dripping down.

"S-so close"

Felix scratched down Changbins back a little, unable to contain himself. His mind full with thoughts about Changbin, not wanting to be anywhere but here, doing this with his boyfriend.

He felt the knot in his stomach getting more intense, no chance in holding it back.

It took one more perfectly angled thrust from Changbin, before Felix suddenly let a high pitched moan out, gripping onto Changbin as tightly as possible as he came. He scrunched his eyes, clenching his teeth, his head falling back to the wall as his body was still shaking from the post-orgasm, trying to catch his breath.

Changbin instantly slowed down his thrusts, stopping after a few seconds. He let go of Felix' leg, gently letting it rest on the ground again.

He placed kisses everywhere he could reach, letting Felix catch his breath, though Felix wasn't really thinking about himself in that moment.

"W-why did you stop"
"What about you...?"

"Felix your body is too weak to go through overstimulation right now"
"It's not even going to be enjoyable for you, just going to feel exhausting"


"No buts baby"
"You're my priority, don't think about me"

Felix smiled, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend. The connection between them making fireworks go off in their stomachs, being grateful for each other.

Changbin pulled out of Felix as they were kissing, Felix immediately letting out a small whine.

"At least let me take care of you.."

Felix broke the kiss and motioned for Changbin to sit down, which the older just did. He laid down on his stomach in front of him, looking up at the older.

"Felix you don't have to-"


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