Chapter 17

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{Seventh day}

This day had been tough for Felix. He's been curled up into a blanket on the hospital bed next to Changbin's, and crying since afternoon.
A week passed by and Changbin still hasn't woken up. The doctors are clueless on why or how thats possible, as they were expecting him to wake up a day after.
At that point, no one knew when he'll be waking up, and these facts tore Felix apart.

Changbin really meant a lot to him. He wasn't overreacting, just worried to lose the person he loves and adores the most. The person that made him feel loved and safe after his parents died. He wouldn't be able to handle the last pillar that's holding him up to dissappear as well. Just the thought of it made him sob harder.

The nice nurse came in a few times during the day, and each time she'd find the same crying boy, in the same position and condition. She gave him sedatives the last time she came in, and he asked her to let him have some time until tomorrow and the nurse walked out with an understanding smile.

It was getting late, about 10pm, and Felix forced himself to get up and do his usual routine with his boyfriend but before that, he decided he should go take a shower to maybe lift his mood up.
Showering at hospitals isn't the best experience you'll have, so it was a pretty quick one. Putting on clean clothes and somewhat doing his hair, he went to sit in the chair next to Changbin.

He took the olders hand between his two and his eyes instantly became glassy.

"Changbin please.."

"Please come back.."

"It's g-getting unbearable for m-me"

"I don't know if you can hear me"

"I don't know if you still love me"

"I don't know anything"

"All I know is that I need you to live on"

"I c-can't take it anymore"



He held Changbins Hand to his face, tears starting to flow again.
His sobs echoing through the room as they were the only thing to be heard.

Eyes swollen and red, burning from the constant crying. Emptiness pierced a hole through his heart making that feeling impossible to ignore and too much to keep in.
A headache crept up on him and he started feeling nauseous, his stomach holding an undescribable feeling.

"Baby what happened?"
He heard Changbin in his head.

"You look beautiful"

"You want cuddles?"

"Everything is alright"

"I'm with you now, you can go back to sleep"

"You're seriously the cutest"

"Lee Felix I love you so so much"

"..Sunshine.." He heard a tender, more realistic voice.

Felix slowly looked up, only to be disappointed to see the same Changbin with the same peacefully closed eyes. He went back to his previous position, scrunching his eyes shut and thinking he even started hallucinating, another knife going through his heart.

"Don't hurt your pretty eyes" the voice repeated, this time sounding tired and exhausted but still delicate and sincere.

"No! Go away! You're not real! You're just in my head!"

Felix felt the hand on his face move, gently gliding over his cheek.
He stopped moving and held his breath, eyes wide.

"It's me Sunshine, look"

The boy looked up, preparing himself for another disappointment but instead he met eyes with Changbin who's smiling at him, appearing to be tired like he hasn't slept in a long time.

"B-binnie?!" Felix jumped off his seat, seeing his boyfriend actually awake and talking to him.

This time, tears of joy running down his face "a-are you for real awake"

Changbin let out a small chuckle, he was feeling tired and exhausted for some reason. It was like he's been sleeping for ages and he couldn't exactly remember what happened before that.
"Yes Lix" he smiled again.

"Oh my god how are you feeling?"
"Are you in pain?"
"Are you hurt?"
"Do you need something?"
"Can I somehow help yo-"

"I'm fine, I'm fine" he chuckled again "but you don't look like it... I'm sorry"

"Oh no you better not be sorry" he wiped the last tears from his face.

"But I am! I caused you-"

"Seo Changbin, you just woke up, and you better not argue with me already!"
Both laughed.

Felix stepped forward and placed his hand on Changbins face, smiling like crazy in happiness when the older leaned into his touch, putting his hand on Felix's.
"I love you too"

"Wha-? But how could you hear me?"

"I don't know either. I was sleeping, but at the same time I wasn't? It felt like I didn't exist or as if my body vanished. From time to time words would somehow reach me... and mostly I heard 'I love you' from an all too familiar voice.. until I came back to reality"

"Wow...I'm so happy you're back"
"I should get someone" he said, before reluctantly moving away and calling the nurse he knew.

They both came back into the room after a minute or two.

"Hello Mr.Seo, I'm nurse Ava, I'm just going to check up on you to see if you can go home soon"

"Y-yeah" Changbin hesitantly answered. He actually hates being at doctors or hospitals, he'd probably freak out knowing how many tests they've done on him.

The nurse made it quick, looking at the machines neither Felix nor Changbin understood. She unwrapped a small portion of the bandage on Changbins arm, before putting it back into place. Also his eyes, blood pressure, everything.

Felix was watching her, praying for his boyfriend to be able to go back home soon. All the tests they did had good results, all they were waiting for was for him to wake up, right?

After finishing, she excused herself to go talk with a doctor, and came back about 15 minutes later.

"Is it okey if I say this in front of him?" She asked Changbin.

"Oh yes of course he's my uhm.."

"Don't worry I don't judge, I saw him cry earlier because he's been worried about you"

"..He's my boyfriend, we're together"

She smiled at both of them and continued with what she wanted to say.

"Alright, good news, you can go home soon since your overall health is excellent and you should be able to walk again. However, from what I saw, the cuts on your arms have to be treated one more time, so the scaring isn't too bad"

"How long would that take?" Felix asked.

"It depends. You can either let me do that for you, or if you're really really in a rush and just want to go home already, then it's also possible for you to do that at home yourself" she answered Felix.

Both boys looked at each other for a second before talking in sync "we'll go home"

She chuckled a bit and told them they'll be able to go tomorrow at 10 to 11am. They'll be getting ointment and petroleum jelly, so that they can do the treatment themselves.
Lastly she wished the boys a good night and went outside the room.

Changbin and Felix talked for a bit before going to sleep, since the night's going to end quicker that way. Changbin was for some reason exhausted and Felix started getting really tired so it didn't take each one of them long to fall asleep in their beds.


I don't even think you can shower in a hospital if you're not a patient there, but let's just pretend okey :))

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