Chapter 69

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Changbin leaned in and attached his lips onto the youngers neck, starting to harshly suck onto the skin.

"I'll mark you so one even thinks about staring at you"

Felix listened and bit his lip, knowing what the older was doing would leave prominent marks all over his neck.

The way Changbin was still holding him was one of his favorites. He tilted his head to the side to give more access.

Of course Changbin had to find the youngers sensetive spot and start leaving little bites and kisses on it.

Felix let out a decently loud moan at the tingling feeling, biting his lip immediately after to prevent it from happening again. They were in public and whoever came to the restrooms would be able to hear them.

Changbin further moved down and started sucking onto the youngers collarbones, watching the red and slightly blue marks slowly appear on that area as well.

"B-binnie.." Felix whimpered, his eyes closed, his legs slowly starting to get weaker and weaker.

Changbin smirked and suddenly pulled Felix' arms down, turning the boy around and pressing him against the wall, his arms now securely held behind his back.

He moved his free hand down Felix' side, watching him flinch with the way he was trapped and touched up.

"I shouldn't be thinking about ruining you right here in public"
"But it's exactly what I'm thinking about right now"

"H-hyung I don't know if that's a good idea.."

Changbin leaned in to Felix' ear, squeezing the youngers wrists that were trapped behind his back, whispering.

"Don't you want hyung to make you feel good baby?"

Felix bit his lip, he wanted it, but was this the right place?

"Don't you want to get fucked?"

The boys closed his eyes again, he really wanted it.

"Come on, let me touch you some more puppy"

At this point Felix was just not able to resist it anymore. What's the harm in some sex in a public restaurants restroom right?

He nodded slightly, his heart beating out of his chest. Changbins grib was really tight, leaving light marks onto his wrists, not allowing him to move.

"As I thought, good boy"
"Now use words baby"

"W-want to feel good.."

"You want what?" Changbin asked again, a smirk plastered onto his face.

"W-want you to fuck m-me so I can feel good.." Felix repeated, a deep blush on his face.

Changbins smirk never left his face as he let go of the others wrists, moving to undo the youngers pants, pulling them down, including his boxers.
He proceeded in undoing his own pants, but got stopped before doing so. Felix putting his hand onto the olders arm.


"What is it baby?"

"N-need prep please.."

"You want me to prep you first?"

Felix nodded shyly, he didn't want to let the older wait longer, but he didn't feel ready yet and he knew Changbin was the type to forget all about his needs, when his boyfriend wants something.


Changbin looked at him in a confused way, turning Felix around again, this time being more gentle, letting him rest against the wall. He pulled the youngers wrists up, kissing up the marks he just made.

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