Chapter 85

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It was time.

Time for Changbin to finally propose and get it over with.

It was about 6pm and dark outside. He and Felix were getting dressed to go to the forest and as Changbin had told Felix "check up on the house".  It was stupid but Felix believed it and that was the most important part.

They had to be there at 7:30pm, everything was going to be finished by staff at 6:30pm and the way to the forest was still quite long, although Chan was picking them up and driving them there, so they were heading out at 6:10pm.

Changbin made sure to grab the rings and put on his shoes without Felix noticing. He and Felix were dressed casually but nicely, just perfect.

They went outside after finishing and grabbing everything they needed. Chan was on time and waiting in his car once they walked down the street, just perfect.

Things were going perfect until now.

The two boys opened the doors and hopped into the car, Changbin at the back and Felix in the passenger seat next to Chan.

Chan had definitely noticed the frightened and nervous expression on Changbins face and he tried telling him that it was okay by smiling into the rear-view mirror and getting a small nervous smile back.

They drove off and talked a bit along the way. Changbin also told Felix that their other friends would be waiting there for them so everyone could spend time with the others.

Of course also a lie, but Felix believed it. He had always been too blind to see the obvious.

Sooner or later, after a lot of teasing from Chan and the oldest almost giving it away, they arrived and got out of the car.

Changbins heart was beating uncontrollably fast, he didn't feel okay, he wanted go back, to chicken out of this. He felt like crying, like everything was going to fail right in that moment.

Chan placed his hand onto his shoulder with a small smile before walking off "I'll go ahead to the other boys" he said and ran away into the forest.

Felix looked at him confused and sighed at his friend. They could've walked together to everyone else why would he want to go alone?

While Felix was questioning why Chan just ran off by himself, Changbin was standing a little behind him, watching him, asking himself whether he should do this or not.

He walked closer to Felix, giving him a back hug, the boy flinching a little as he didn't feel Changbin coming.

"Hey binnie" he chuckled, Changbin didn't asnwer, he just tightened his grip around the boy.

"Is everything alrigh–?"

"I love you Felix"

Felix laughed a bit "I know, why so sudden?"

The older let go and turned Felix around, hooking his index finger at the belt loop of the youngers pants and pulling him closer so their faces were inches apart, whispering against his lips.

"I love you so much"

Felix was a little taken aback at Changbins actions, the way he pulled him closer was something he rarely did but honestly Felix loved it.

Changbin wanted to be close to Felix one last time in case something did go wrong.

He looked at every little detail on Felix' face, admiring every single one, loving them. His freckles, his eyes, his lashes, the small nose, the shaped eyebrows, the smooth skin and most importantly, his soft lips.

Changbin kept staring at them, getting lost as he remembered the diffrent times they had kissed, the diffrent ways and the diffrent feelings with each time.

He moved his other hand back on Felix' face, holding his jaw as he tilted his head, pulling the boy even closer. Their lips slightly grazing over each other.

Felix hummed a little into it, the way they only touched a bit but not much sent tingles through his body. The air between them was diffrent than usual. Thicker. More tension. 

"For gods sake Changbin fucking kiss me already!" He whispered, Changbin shushing him up by doing the same action again.

"Shut up"

But Changbin did give in and let his eyes fall close, Felix doing the same and they both finally closed the gap between them to enjoy a kiss together.

It was very slow, filled with love and every other emotion one could feel towards someone important to them. They were both concentrating hard on the feeling of each other. It wasn't some quick kiss, it meant something, it meant a lot. Everything.

But like every good thing in the world, it had to end and they parted after a bit. Both of them slowly opening their eyes as their faces were still close to each other, Changbin still holding him.

For a short moment Felix looked at the olders lips he had just kissed and then he averted his gaze to his boyfriends eyes, a smile slowly creeping up his face.

"What was that for?" He whispered, his arms wrapping themselves around Changbins waist.

"Just because"

"Yeah? Well I love you too" he whispered back, pecking Changbins lips once again.

"You do?"

"Huh?" Felix tilted his head to the side "You know I do, now stop asking" he chuckled, pecking the olders lips one last time before letting go of him and taking his hand.

"Come on, the others are waiting for us" he gave the other a warm smile.

Changbin took a deep breath and nodded. Felix will for sure say yes right?


Well Changbin was scared of it not being right.

But you know what?

He decided to stop freaking himself out.

He decided to make the most out of this.

To use this chance.

It was now or never.

He smiled at Felix and started walking at a decent pace, pulling the younger behind him.

The lake wasn't far and he remembered how he had made huge plans and that Felix was going to like everything too.

He wanted to be positive, to the best of his abilities.

And this was it, they were walking towards the place he was going to propose at. This is the day, the moment he's been waiting for.

"Binnie" Felix brought him back to reality.

"Yes Lix?"

"Can we eat spaghetti as a late night snack later?"

Changbin chuckled, they were almost there "Yeah sure, want me to cook it for you?"

"Can you show me how to properly do them? Because I hate letting you cook all the time"

"I like cooking for you though"

"Still, I think I should be able to cook t–"

That's when Felix saw it.

They arrived.

This was it.

The day.

The time.

The one moment that would change or break everything.

It was Now or Never.

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