Chapter 45

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{Third person}

Felix heard the doorbell from downstairs, having to now force himself to get out of bed.

"Doesn't Changbin have a key?" He mumbled as he tried lifting his tired and weak body.

Managing to get up, he went downstairs, going to the entrance and opening the door.

Minho with Changbin behind him came into his sight. They were both wearing comfortable clothes as they were too lazy to change for their little 4am drive.

"H-hey guys, come in" Felix moved away for the two to come inside.

Minho shook his head "I'm going back home, don't want Jisung to wake up and not find me"
"You guys talk things out like actual adults already"
"And don't fight!"
"You can call me if he does something Felix"

"What the-"
"Minho what do you think am I going to do to him?"

Minho chuckled then smirked, looking at Felix "there's something I'd LIKE you to do to him"

Felix looked away and blushed a little, but they thankfully couldn't see it due to the dimmed lightning.

"Oh shut up Minho"
"I think you should go now" Changbin lightly punched the older, making him laugh a little.

"I'm just joking, idiots"
"Well... I mean you could still do it"

"Just go already Minho!" Changbin dragged Minho back to his car, Felix watching from the door.

Changbin came back when Minho started the engine "you should get inside, it's freezing out here"

He grabbed the youngers wrist and pulled him inside, closing the door after. The tone he was using wasn't as cold and harsh anymore, but at the same time, it was still far from the sweet and caring Changbin Felix was used to.

"You were crying weren't you?"

Felix looked down, hiding his face "I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just happy you were coming so I–"

"Enough, Felix"
"It's fine, I'm not going to punish you for crying"
"Let's go upstairs, you need your sleep"

Felix didn't move, still looking to the ground and rubbing one hand up and down his arm.

Letting out a sigh, Changbin reached his hand forward so it was in Felix' view field.

"Are you gonna take it?"

Now looking up, Felix saw a little smile on Changbins face. Almost not recognizable, but it was there. He took the olders hand, and was led upstairs to the bedroom.

"Come on, go lay down" Changbin let go of Felix' hand as they entered the room.

This time Felix listened and went to the bed, laying down. Meanwhile, Changbin turned around and quietly closed the door.

Changbin now also headed for the bed, going to sit at the edge of it. He pulled the covers over Felix' body, though Felix was looking at him with an expression full of anticipation and hope.

Seeing Felix' expression, Changbin remembered what Minho had told him "you better cuddle him to sleep. At least this one single night!"

"Tell me what you want Felix"
"I told you multiple times, you can just ask for the things you want"

"I don't w-want to say anything wrong"

"There isn't any right or wrong"
"I came here to make you feel better remember?"
"So tell me what you need?"

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