Chapter 35

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[6] Dear diary,

Chan and Jeongin are doing one of these meetings we promised to make at least once a week when everyone moved out of our old house.

Many things happened since then, and now, tomorrow, is going to be our fist one.

It's tomorrow and I really didn't want to go... but Jeongin begged and begged me over and over again until in the end I couldn't just say no to him.

I don't know if Changbin is going to be there. I don't know if we're going to talk. I don't even know how things are between us.

But I'm going. It's going to be hard but I'm going.

About my nightmares, they're getting worse day by day. It has gotten to a point, where I'm scared of falling asleep.

I wake up everyday, cold sweat around my shivering body. The things that happened, replay in my dreams every night. I wake up, feeling like I am drowning into endless darkness, surrounded by more darkness of pain, sadness and sorrow.

No one is here to wake me up. No one is here to hug and cuddle me when I'm feeling like i'm about to break down into a million pieces.

But I'm fine.

San hasn't been happily jumping around anymore, just sleeping, eating, and sleeping again.

Minho gave me a small update on Changbin, and all he said was "he kind of changed"
I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but what I know, is that all of our friends know about what happened.


Again short, but there are going to be longer ones again soon ^^

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