Chapter 24

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{Felix pov}

I didn't know what time it was. The room I was in had no windows, and the lights were turned off. I didn't have a clue on where Changbin and Hyunjin were, nor do I know where I myself am.

Who knows how many hours have passed since the two guys and this one woman left me alone and went out.

My ankles and wrists were hurting from those ropes, who were uncomfortably holding me in place.

My lungs felt like they were about to explode. My trachea was burning like fire.

My mind was at the verge of giving up after what that woman had told me.

Everything seemed so miserable.

Darkness is a form of torture itself. I can't deal with it anymore.

That feeling of almost drowning kept on hunting me and replaying in my mind. Each time it would feel so real. It would feel like I'm drowning over and over again.

My eyes were hurting from the constant crying.

My heart broken.

My head started feeling heavier and heavier. My eyes slowly closing. There was nothing left for me on this earth. There isn't anything or anyone that love me right? Then why live? Why be alive?

Soon I felt my mind disconnecting from my body. Suddenly I was watching down at my body from somewhere above. It felt scary but at the same time I was numb. No more feelings. No more nothing.

So this is it?

I'm dying?


Sorry, had to make this one extra short

Next chapter as always in 3 days :)

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