Chapter 87

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"Why Changbin, why..?" Felix' punching slowed down little by little.

He was just sobbing uncontrollably and it was for more than just one reason.

Looking at Changbin, he saw his numb expression, like he was lifeless, like someone had pulled the soul out of him.

Felix kept crying, stepping closer to the older and wrapping his arms around his neck, holding him so tightly it might've even hurt, sobbing into his neck.

Changbin didn't know what to do. He just couldn't see through Felix like he always would. He felt numb, hurt. He couldn't understand what was going on with Felix, what he was feeling. First the boy snaps out at him and now he's hugging him like that?

He didn't know how to react, was he supposed to hug back or not?

But in the end, either way he couldn't stop himself from very slowly lifting his arms up and placing them around the youngers waist, using one hand to soothingly rub up and down Felix' side.

And it seemed to work because Felix was slowly calming down against the touch, his breathing getting steadier and more rhythmic.

"I- I'm sorry" was all Changbin could say in a low voice, because he was. He was sorry for ruining everything.

Hearing that, Felix broke free from the olders grip again, now standing in front of him, looking down to the ground, feeling mixed things.

He was sniffing every now and then as they just both stood to the opposite of each other, no one knowing what to say or how to say anything. But Felix decided to break the silence.

I- .... I was going to propose tomorrow" he quietly let out, barely audible for Changbin, but the older heard it.

He heard it and huge realization and releaf hit him. Felix wasn't mad, he wasn't sad. He just wanted to propose too, but Changbin ruined his plans by proposing just one day before he wanted to do so and that made him have a small break down.

"I- I want to marry you. Gosh I want to do it so badly" Felix continued, feeling guilty, knowing he must've given the older the wrong impression of not wanting to marry him and that probably broke his heart.

Changbin placed a hand under Felix' chin, raising his head to look into his eyes. They were red and slightly puffy, but shining.

He leaned closer and closer until they were just a few inches apart.

"Don't you ever scare the life out of me like that again" He whispered and connected their lips into a gentle kiss.

Felix felt himself tear up again, moving his arms around Changbins neck once more, feeling the olders hands holding him by his waist, pulling him closer.

They held it for quite a while, feeling fireworks go off in their stomachs. If the kiss from earlier had meant everything, then how could this one mean even more to them?

They didn't know, but they didn't have to.

Once they had finally pulled away, Felix instantly noticed tears running down the olders face. They both smiled at each other and Felix started to wipe them away with his thumb.

Changbin chuckled a bit through his tears, reaching his pocket and pulling out the box with the rings in it. He slowly and carefully opened it, not being able to really hold himself back.

So he right away grabbed Felix' ring and the boys hand, looking into his eyes one last time for reassurance and he received a huge warm smile back. He proceeded with his action and placed the ring onto the youngers ring finger, smiling uncontrollably as he finally got to see it on Felix' hand.

Felix did the same with the other ring, grabbing it out the box and gently placing it onto the olders hand, both of them just smiling so widely and excitedly.

Felix pulled Changbin into another tight hug, looking at his ring and admiring it behind the olders back. It looked so pretty and it was more than he could've ever imagined.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I don't know why I freaked out like that"

"It's okay" Changbin smiled, he just wanted to be close to Felix. He was still in a slight shock state since it felt like the moon had crashed down on earth for him. Nuzzling himself onto the younger, he let the boy hold him in place.

"I just payed a lot or money for the rings and the whole proposal, but here you are, being one day faster than me" Felix chuckled a bit, trying to keep Changbin warm.

The older chuckled too "Sorry Lix, but I told you I'd make you happy and propose to you, so just let the older do the job"

Felix tightened his grip and whined "I hate you" and as soon as he said those words, he felt Changbin shudder a little.

Guilt fully washed over him and he knew by saying 'I hate you' earlier he had triggered something in the older and now he couldn't even hear those words, even if they're meant as a joke and not seriously.

"I'm sorry, Binnie. I don't hate you, I love you"
"What you said was beautiful, I love you so much"

Changbin just hummed and kept his arms around Felix, both of them not saying a word. They didn't have to.

Felix kept inspecting the ring on his finger. It looked pretty on his hand, it fit perfectly and it was like the perfect ring Changbin could've gotten for him.

Changbin on the other hand was trying to calm down. He was utterly happy that it was now over, but for a short moment he really thought his worst nightmare was becoming reality.

"I'm sorry I ruined your plans" he started, now fully relaxed again.

"I mean one of us had to beat the other one right? I ain't gonna be a sore loser. So don't worry about it"

The older chuckled a bit at the sore loser part. He and Felix really stayed like that for minutes straight, until they suddenly flinched apart when they heard someone scream their name.

They turned around and saw their friends coming their way, Jisung and Hyunjin still yelling out their names.

Felix looked at Changbin in a confused way, the many lights around them shining in the olders eyes.

"They were hiding behind the trees" Changbin chuckled and Felix let out a long 'ah'. He had forgotten about Chan as well as everyone else.

"Changbin for a second I really thought you had messed up" Jisung butted in as soon as they arrived in front of the couple, but he quickly got shushed by Minho who scolded him for being disrespectful and too straightforward.

Everyone congratulating the two and hugging them. Chan went up to Changbin and held him for what felt like ages, telling him how proud he is of him and that he did a good job.

"Thanks Chan" Changbin chuckled as they pulled away.

"Don't thank me idiot. But tell me what the heck happened? It looked like he had the biggest breakdown and like someone pulled your soul out of your body"

"Oh god" Changbin painfully smiled as he thought about it again "I was so scared"

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