Chapter 68

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The boys spent the rest of the evening looking at pictures of Changbins sister, as well as the older sharing some of his childhood stories about his sister with his boyfriend.

It all was peaceful now. There are no secrets left between them. Changbin felt light like a feather now that everything was finally revealed.

After they finished, Changbin laid the phone onto the table, turning back to Felix.

"Thank you Lix, really"

"You don't have to thank me hyung" Felix smiled.

"No.." He said in a low voice, almost whispering, shuffling closer to the boy "I have to show you how thankful I am"

"Will you let me?" He asked, his hand reaching forward to the youngers cheek, making him immediately flush red in response.

He leaned in, Felix instantly closing his eyes, anticipating a kiss on his lips, excitement flowing through his body. He loved kisses, they made him feel loved.

The butterflies in his stomach only doublicating when he felt what he was expecting shortly after. It didn't take him one thought before immediately kissing back, loving the taste of the olders lips pressed against his own.

After holding it for a few seconds, the older pulled away again, just looking into Felix' eyes without saying anything.

"What?" The younger asked, a little confused. Chuckling once Changbin just stayed silent, not fully able to read the others mind like he's used to. Until it finally hit him.

"Oh" realization finally hit him "Yes Binnie, I get that you appreciate it, and I love you too" he smiled, understanding what his boyfriend was trying to tell him with that kiss.


Felix was sat opposite from Changbin in a restaurant as they both were enjoying their food.

The whole time he was sitting there, Changbin had this stinging feeling in his neck, like someone was watching them this whole time.

He kept looking around, trying to find the source of this feeling, not really able to spot anyone.

"Is everything alright hyung?" Felix asked, noticing Changbins behavior.

Just as Changbin looked back at his boyfriend, he noticed a group of boys sitting on a table nearby, literally almost all of them checking Felix out and no one seemed to bother hiding what they were doing.

The older just tried to ignore it, smiling at Felix "nothing don't worry"
"How about we call everyone over when we get home? We haven't had a meeting in a while"

"Of course, I'd love to"
"I'd like to see how Jeongin and Chan are doing" he smiled back.

Changbin felt calm, his boyfriends smile making him feel better, yet he couldn't help but feel bothered with those looks Felix was getting and the boy was completely oblivious to them.

He started fiddling with his fork, his eyebrows unconsciously frowning. Why did those boys have to look at what belongs to him?

He pierced some of the salad with his fork, reaching his hand out to Felix "try it" he said, hoping those boys will stop looking when they see him feeding the younger.

Felix just took the food, humming at the delicious taste, though he didn't know why Changbin was suddenly volountierly offering him some of his food. But he brushed it off, just enjoying the food as he chewed on it.

Even after over ten minutes of Changbin feeding Felix over and over again, the boys just wouldn't stop looking. It wasn't just looking, it was literally checking Felix out, eying him from head to toe, looking at every detail of his face and watching his every movement.

He didn't know what had gotten into him, but he just felt the urge to slice those boys' eyes in half. He wasn't the jealous type but those looks weren't the normal type either.

Felix was just ranting about something, Changbin not fully listening as he glared at that group, those boys not paying the slicest attention to him though.

It was when one of the boys had pointed at Felix and bit his lip while whispering something to the other boys next to him, that Changbin lost it.

He was mad and literally furious, his blood boiling. He wasn't trying to be possessive, but Felix belonged to him and he didn't like having other people's nasty eyes on him.

"And when I was watching that movie, I suddenly sc-" Felix was cut off by Changbin standing up and aggressively slamming his fists onto the table, drawing people's attention to himself.

Felix flinched a bit, he didn't understand why Changbin was suddenly mad like that. He was scared he had done something wrong or said something that he shouldn't have.

Changbin was scary when he was mad, his eyes would darken and the soft, kind Changbin would dissappear.

"B-binnie did I-" Felix was again cut off, but this time it was was diffrent.

Changbin grabbed the youngers collar in fists, abruptly pulling him upwards towards himself, pressing their lips together. He felt a sense of achievement and satisfaction when he heard a few people, including the boys gasp a little.

He felt Felix melt into the kiss, gripping onto one of the olders wrists with his hand as they held it for a while, standing over the table.

Felix felt Changbin being a bit eager, but the older released him from his grip a few seconds after.

He breathed slightly heavily, his cheeks heating up at the sudden action. He looked to his side for the first time, seeing the boy group and the slightly shocked expression on their faces, realizing why Changbin had done this.

Changbin fell back into his seat, breathing out in satisfaction, watching Felix as the boy slowly sat back down again, still shocked.

"They better stop staring at you now" he said, still annoyed but happy with himself.

Felix looked down a little embarrassed, a bright blush plastered onto his face.

"Since when are you jealous of others?" He managed to ask, moving his gaze to the older.

"Since now, have a problem with it?"


About half an hour passed and the boys enjoyed their food and now desserts, Changbins glaring eyes looking over to the group every now and then.

And they had the audacity to keep staring.

It got Changbin furious to the point where he could've just gotten up and punched them right into their faces, but instead he did something else.

He stood up again, sighing heavily in defeat.

"Come with me" he blancly said, grabbing Felix' wrist, making him stand up as well.

"B-but my ice cream?!"

"No ice cream for you now" Changbin responded, dragging Felix behind him to the restrooms.

"W-why are we here?" Felix asked once they arrived, Changbin not stopping to walk.

He opened one of the small rooms, lightly pushing Felix inside, getting in as well and closing the door behind them, locking it.

"What are you doin-" Changbin once again didn't let Felix finish his sentence, pushing him against the wall, holding his wrists above his head with one arm.

"These wonkers" he whispered into the youngers ear "having their eyes on what's mine.."

Felix felt shivers run down his spine at Changbins words, feeling the older place his other arm onto his cheek, starting to move it and caress the soft skin.

"You're mine and only mine" Changbin whispered again, making Felix close his eyes, enjoying the words that came out of the olders mouth.

Changbins hand moved to Felix' neck and slightly exposed collarbones, touching up the clear skin.

"Maybe it's my fault for not showing others who you belong to"

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