Chapter 49

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One week passed by quicker than a day of the past two weeks Felix had been alone in.

Since he and Changbin weren't actively fighting anymore, he was now able to text and call the older when he needed someone to talk.

Changbin would have flowers delivered to Felix so he could draw a smile on the boys face. He'd send cards, reminding Felix to not forget about his nutrition and never skip any meals if possible.

Another letter from the "anonymous" guy was something Felix found in front of the houses door once.

Now it had the letters "LE_IS" so only one more gab left, but he just wasn't able to get it. He questioned whether telling Changbin would be a good idea or not. Unable to work out wich one would be the better decision, he just decided to take the letter with him to their next meeting.

He was getting ready, everyone was going to meet up at Minho and Jisungs house today, so Changbin was already there. It's starting at 6pm but Felix wanted to spend some time with Changbin, so he wanted to go there earlier.

He called an Uber and went outside when his driver arrived. The whole ride he was over the top excited to finally see Changbin after this week.

So when he arrived, he quickly payed the driver and ran to the door, hysterically knocking on it until Minho opened the door.

"Oh hey Lix"
"What are you doing here you're an hour early?" The older chuckled, stepping to the side to let Felix inside.

"Shut up, is Changbin here?"

Minho chuckled and pointed to the guest room "he's there, but wait lover boy"

"Whatt?? Hurryyy I wanna go see him!!" Felix sprung up and down, too excited to hide his excitement.

"How about giving your hyung a greeting hug when you visit his house mh?" Minho said sarcasticly, not expecting Felix to practically jump on him and hug him tightly.

"Thank you for everything Hyung"

Felix let go, not giving Minho time to even hug back and ran to the room Changbin was supposed to be in, opening the door without even knocking.

He stood frozen at the door frame, Changbin was probably changing, since he only had sweatpants on and no shirt on top.

The older turned to him, looking confused as to why the door just flew opened.

"O-oh sorry I should've knocked" Felix stood there flustered, as if he had never seen Changbin shirtless before.

"Felix it's you?" Changbin smiled and went up to Felix, not expecting him to be here this early.

"I missed you baby" he engulfed the younger into a tight hug, Felix instantly hugging back, feeling the warm skin of the olders back under his hands.

They got inside and Changbin closed the door, Felix letting his body fall onto the bed and relaxing it.

"So, how did your week go?"

"Better than the two before this one, way better, a thousand times better"

Changbin chuckled and grabbed a shirt, wanting to put in on.

"No! Wait!" Felix sat up "stay like that" he smiled and made grabby hands for Changbin.

Smiling back, Changbin threw the shirt onto the ground and went over to Felix, climbing up the bed and pushing Felix to lay down with him.

Changbin cuddled up to Felix, he really missed him. Felix on the other side had the biggest grin on his face, lightly poking the skin on Changbins back.

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