Chapter 66

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I never said thank you for 1k reads. So thanks to everyone who has been reading and enjoying this book, saying that it means the whole world to me wouldn't even justify how much I appreciate it!! ♡

Also, the two last things are going to be revealed in this chapter, so have fun!!


A week had passed since the breakdown at the house in the forest.

Felix still had many questions and so he asked Changbin for a day, on which Changbin would finally answer all of the youngers questions.

And today was the day.

Felix had been waiting at home with Woo and San for Changbin to come back, since he was helping out Chan with music.

The younger heared a key sound from outside and instantly ran up to the door as it slowly opened.

The door further opened up once Felix had arrived there, revealing an exhausted looking Changbin as he came inside.

"Hey baby" the older said, Felix instantly jumping onto him, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you hyung"

"Awh, but I've only been away for a day" Changbin said, trying not to stumble backwards as he hugged excited Felix back.

"Am I not allowed to miss you?" Felix pulled away, his hands still on Changbins shoulders.

"What if I said no?" Changbin chuckled, seeing a pout forming onto his boyfriends lips.

"Fine" Felix lastly said before turning around and starting to run away into the living room.

"Hey!?" Changbin tried catching him before he could go, but he wasn't fast enough. He threw his jacket and shoes off, instantly running inside after Felix.

Getting to the living room and looking around, he didn't see anyone. He walked around a bit, looking behind the door, then under the small table, until he found Felix curled up into a ball behind the couch as he was hiding there.

"Got you!" Changbin said, making Felix flinch as he didn't realized the older was there already.

"You scared m-me–" Felix said, standing up and dusting off his clothes, moving to stand infront of the couch as he did so.

"It's your fault" Changbin replied, gently holding onto his boyfriends hips "you can't run off without giving me a kiss"

"You don't even deserve one" Felix pouted.

"I worked hard today" Changbin pouted as well, both if them breaking out into laughter at their own stupidity.

"Fine" Felix' chucked and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend.

"Want me to make you something to eat? He asked the older.

"No I'm good, I ate with Chan at the studio"
"Besides, I owe you a few explanations"

Felix smiled and motioned for Changbin to sit down onto the couch. He himself went to get a small box he prepared from their bedroom.

Changbin eyed the box as Felix walked back into the room, going to sit on the other couch next to the one Changbin was sitting on.

"What is that baby?"

"Just things I want to ask you about" Felix smiled, opening the small box, revealing a few pieces of paper and something else underneath.

Felix pulled out the letters, opening them up again, taking a look at them, smiling a bit.

"You said your English name is Lewis.." He started, his eyes skimming over the words, making his heart flutter a little.

"It is" Changbin said, taking one of the papers, looking at it, at the words, at the main message of the letter.

"You wrote this, didn't you?" Felix then continued, looking at Changbin.

"I did" Changbin answered, smiling back at Felix.

"All these times you said you were going home early.."

"I wasn't going home"
"Me not being here hurt you and that was something I came up with to maybe make you a little happier"

Felix smiled. Changbin was mad at him at that time. He was hurt since Felix told him to get out, but the older still cared for the younger and wrote him these letters.

"But why didn't you use your own name..?"

"Lewis is my name"
"You just forgot I had an Englisch name and what it was, dumbie" Changbin chuckled, making Felix laugh too. It actually was pretty obvious, had Felix not forgotten about Changbins english name.

"The letters really helped me" he said, putting each piece of paper back into the box.

"I'm glad they did" Changbin smiled "anything else?"

"Well.. yes" the younger said, pulling the necklace he wore on one of the meetings out of the box. That day Chan had told him to take it off because it belonged to Changbins sister. Felix didn't even know Changbins has a sister, so he wanted to ask more about it.

Changbins eyes widened a bit at the item. He had been keeping it away for a long time.

"Where did you get that from?"

"It was between your other accessories"
"So.. what about uhm.. your sister?"

"Felix.. I-"
"It's a long story..." Changbin looked down.

"Just tell me Changbin"
"I know it's going to help you if you talk about it"
"I was just surprised, you never told me about a sister"

"Yes I had a sister"

Felix tilted his head to the side in confusion "why 'had'?"

"Jackson killed her" Changbin replied with a blanc expression, then looked down again "he killed her because she was close to me. It was his way of taking something irreplaceable from me"



Things about Changbins hidden sister and parents are finally going to be revealed 😩

Also, I will start proof reading the first 20-35 chapters since I noticed many mistakes and grammatical errors in them.

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