Chapter 73

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"Who's there Binnie–" Felix was walking up to the door, but stopped right in his tracks behind Changbin, seeing who stood infront of the door.

And before anyone could know it, before anyone could've said something or reacted in anyway, Changbin had already swung his fist back and punched the person with force.

The boy winced and took a few steps back from the strength. The pain stinging his cheek, but more so, burning his eyes, forming tears.

"How dare you come to my house huh?!" Changbin yells, Chan and Jeongin springing up from their seats after hearing their friends anger.

"Hyung?!" Oliver exclaimed, going up to his brother, looking at his face carefully "why did you do that?!"

"Why?! I don't know, maybe you should ask him!?"
"Who thought out of all people he'd be your brother"

Andre had serious tears in his eyes, nothing like the tough boy from today.

"Ch-changbin.. I didn't know this would be you"
"I'm so sorry for what I did today.." and without warning, the tears started running down his face.

"What I said to you was disrespectful and degrading, I- I didn't mean it and I didn't m-mean to hit on Felix, I'm sorry, please give me another chance"

Changbin looked at him, not knowing how to react. He really wasn't able to think right. The words from Andre in the restaurant from earlier just repeating in his head.

"He deserves better anyway"


Andre was way more fragile than he looked, considering how he immediatly started crying. It honestly reminded Changbin of himself and who knew why Andre was so vulnerable.

It looked like he truly was sorry.

Changbin sighed and moved to the side "Come in"

Everyone's eyes widened, a few gaspes being heard. Only Felix, Changbin and Andre knew what had happened, yet everyone still couldn't believe how Changbin is letting someone he's mad at into the house right now.

"I- I can go.. really" Andre wiped his tears, sniffing a little, his cheeks red and eyes still pouring out new tears.

"I'm telling you, better come inside or I will make you" Changbin again sternly said, reaching his hand out for the boy to take.

Felix looked at him, remembering the time he was fighting with Changbin. The older was yelling at him, but at the same time feeding him so he wouldn't lose more weight. He knew Changbin was yelling, but the fact that he was offering Andre a hand just showed that in his heart, he was giving him another chance.

"I hurt y-you though.."

"And you felt bad about it and apologized, now take it before I punch you inside" Changbin chuckled at the last part, Andre also letting out a small chuckle between his tears.

"It's okay, come on" Changbin moved his hand even closer to the boy, until he finally took it and Changbin pulled him inside.

Felix just gave a wink to Oliver and placed a hand around his shoulder, also walking him inside.

Just as he was about to close the door behind them, he heard someone scream.


It was Jisung.

Felix laughed a little and closed the door just as Minho and Jisung walked up the porch.

Chan watched and laughed, but went to open the door for them.

Changbin motioned to Felix from afar that he was going into the bathroom with Andre and Felix nodded, sitting on the couch with Oliver and explaining to him what Andre had done. He didn't tell him anything about Changbins past. Just the fact that he had scars but not why and how they got there.

Andre was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, Changbin giving him a cold cloth to hold onto his face, before going to sit next to him. The boy had managed to calm down a little, Changbin helping him.

"I'm sorry.. really"

"Seriously stop apologizing. It's in the past now"

"I- I don't know why I said that. It was obvious you went through a lot and it was the most hurtful thing I could think of in that moment. I know how it is.. and I still said it"

Changbin tilted his head, looking confused at him.

"What do you mean you know?"

Andre sighed and bit his lip, tears again forming in his eyes.

"Oh no no no I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it with me"

"No.. can I.. can we talk about it? It's been with me for so long, I've never talked about it with anyone"

"Of course. If you need to; let it all out"

"I'm not going to rant about my stupid problems to you, I know you don't want to hear it. It's just that..."

Andre made a pause, fiddling with his fingers, lips pressed together, trying not to let the tears pour over. He felt pathetic for crying infront of someone he barely knew.

He also didn't know if he should open up about this problem. But he noticed himself getting emotional very fast and crying over every small thing. He knew he had to speak up about this or it will eat him up.

And well, Changbin could relate.

Changbin analyzed the boys reaction and noticed what was going on. He shuffled closer to Andre, placing one hand onto the boys' hand and one over his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"No, I want to hear it and I want you to take your time. If you don't want to or can't talk right now, it's okay"

Andre sniffed and looked at Changbin with weak eyes, then shook his head "I got t-this.."

"You know, it's just that... our parents have died a while ago. So it's been just me and Oliver for so many years now. I try hard to provide for us, I work diffrent jobs and that since college. I feel bad Oliver has to take jobs too even though he's still a young teenager. He deserves to have fun and hangout with his friends, but instead he's out working, trying to get in more money for us. It's just all this stress and pressure and since a year I've been..."

Andre bit his lip, a little hesitant yet still sure. He lifted up his shirt, showing his stomach to Changbin. No not the abs, but the scars and freshly made cuts on the soft skin.

Changbins eyes widened a little. It looked way worse than his own arms. There were many scars, prominent ones and cuts that were new. From today Changbin assumed.

"Th-these new ones are from today" a tear managed to side down his face "I came back home and felt so guilty for letting out my frustration on you and couldn't help myself from doing this. I cried a lot and I thought I would never be able to apologize to the person who went through the same things I'm going through right now. I'm so glad you're here" Andre was now slowly crying, unable to hold back.

Changbins hold on him tightened and he turned to the side so he could fully hug the boy.

He rubbed circles onto his back, rocking their bodies from side to side, trying to sooth him.

Felix' parents had died and Changbin used to cut.

For Andre.

It was both.

Changbin genuinely felt bad for the boy. He clearly was struggling, he clearly had no energy or strength left.

He just needed someone.


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