Chapter 53

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Jeongin and Chan pulled away and laughed at their friends, now feeling happier than before. Jisung and Hyunjin either ran up to Chan and Jeongin, hugging them.

"Congrats guys"

"Thank youu"

Felix and Changbin stood at the side, watching as everyone hugged Chan and Jeongin, congratulating them. Changbin grabbed Felix' hand and placed a kiss on the back of it, then rubbed it in with his thumb.

"That could be me and you"

Felix felt his heart skip a beat, imagining that being him and Changbin. He just hummed and intertwined his fingers with Changbins as they stood there, not saying much more.

"They look happy don't they?"

"Mh they do.." Felix responded.

"I will make you happy like that as well, I promise"

While they were talking, Jeongin came up to them, wanting to hug Changbin, Chan close behind him.

Felix and Changbin let go of their hands, Changbin hugging Jeongin and Chan Felix.

"Uncle bin-bin, I can't believe what Chan just did"

Changbin chuckled "Yeah me neither, none of us actually"

Everyone pulled away and gathered around in a circle, Changbin wanting to hold Felix' hand again.

"Why didn't you tell us about your plan?" Minho asked.

"Because one of you would've for sure spoiled something to him"

"Yeah he has a point.." Jisung added, knowing he was the one who often reveals things he shouldn't be revealing.

"Now it makes sense why you wanted to wait until 8pm"

"You finally got it Hyunjin" Chan chuckled.
"Aghh I'm so happy it's finally over, I was almost literally peeing my pants"

Jeongin chuckled and hit Chans shoulder lightly "Idiot. Why would I reject you?"

"I don't know?! Maybe you just didn't want to marry me?" Chan pouted.

Everyone laughed and talked a little while, enjoying the atmosphere of the lights in the night sky. It wasn't as cold as usual, so they found two benches with a table in the middle and sat down, everyone teasing Felix and Changbin by leaving them to sit alone on one side of the table, Chan explaining how he came up with his brilliant proposal plan.

Changbin was sitting next to Felix, feeling the urge to be close to him after watching Chan and Jeongin. His hand was already intertwined with the youngers, but he wanted to hug and cuddle him right now.


"What is it Binnie?"

"Can you come sit here?" He patted his lap.

"Changbin I'm already sitting next to you?"

"But I want to hold you lix"


Changbin brought his face closer to Felix' ear, whispering "I will reconsider the no sex for two weeks rule then"

Felix blushed and hit Changbin, sighing as he moved into the olders lap.

"Happy now?"

Changbin wrapped his arms around Felix and squeezed his body tightly, maybe a bit too much.

"Ag-h Changbin I can't breathe-"
"What has gotten into you suddenly"

"Ah ah sorry"
"I just...  I don't know" Changbin loosened his grip a bit, placing his forehead onto the youngers back, rubbing it against the fabric of his clothes.

"Oh Changbin..." Felix smiled at his boyfriends actions, placing his hand ontop of Changbins "... I love you a lot too"

Jisung and Seungmin overheard what Felix had said from across the table, being a little confused.

"Why would you add a 'too' when he didn't say 'I love you' first?" Jisung asked, geniuenly curious.

"Yeah I was wondering as well" Seungmin added.

Felix chucked and repeatedly ran his palm over Changbins hand as the older was still hugging him from behind and still rubbing his head against his back.

"You don't understand"
"Sometimes the words 'I love you' just don't manage to come out of his mouth, so he does some kind of thing to show me that he loves me"

Jisung and Seungmin looked at each other, gasped and nodded, then laughed. They switched their attention back to the main conversation with Minho, Chan, Hyunjin and Jeongin.


Sorry for the short chapter!!

I'm currently working on the last few chapters, so this story is coming to an end :)

I'm excited for the new book I have coming up💐🌻

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