Chapter 78

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"Everyone, this is Andre"

Changbin spoke up as they arrived at the living room. The boys were all sitting on the couches, talking to each other. It looked like the three couples had adopted Oliver and gave him too much food since he was laying on one of the couches, soundly asleep, food on the floor next to him.

Andre was standing next to Changbin, rubbing up and down one arm, feeling a little anxious "Hey guys" he gave a little wave.

Everyone smiled at him and waved back, saying hi too. Chan being the dad he is, didn't want Andre to feel too out of place, so he motioned for him to come over and sit with him, Jeongin, Hyunjin and Minho. Jisung, Seungmin and Felix were sitting on the second couch together.

Andre went up to them and everyone started introducing themselves, getting to know each other just like they got to know Oliver before he fell asleep.

Changbin smiled and let them talk for a bit as he went to grab a blanket and a pillow from their bedroom.

Once he had those, he walked back to the living room, going up to Oliver who looked quite uncomfortable in his sleep, shuffling around the whole time.

Changbin couldn't help but think back at how his sister would always be too lazy to get up and fall asleep on the couch even though it's less comfortable. He smiled and went to lift the boys head a little, slipping the pillow under his head.

The others were being pretty loud so he wondered how it was possible for Oliver to still be asleep. Although Changbin then remembered that the younger must be tired because of school and work.

He proceeded and unfolded the blanket, throwing it up into the air, then pulling it down over Olivers body. He made sure the boy was covered from his colorbones to his toes so he wouldn't be cold.

After finishing, he just stayed there, looking down at Oliver with a smile. The boys hair shorter than Andres, but still fairly long, not black but dyed a dark blond honey color. He had pretty long eyelashes, his eyebrows still in their natural black color, complimenting his face.

Changbin chuckled to himself, wishing he could've looked handsome like that when he was in high-school. Instead he let his mom dress him up and all.

He leaned down one more time, brushing the boys hair out of his face, then going back to his previous position. This time he felt arms wrap around his waist and light kisses on the back of his neck.


"Yes Lix?"

"You'd make a great dad, but you don't have to take care of everyone, have a little break"

Felix continued to press soft and light kisses onto the olders neck, tighly back hugging him.

"I know I know, he's just adorable. Reminds me of myself and Byeol when we were younger"

"He really likes you too"
"I was talking with him before you called me earlier. He kept talking about how cool he thinks you are and that he wants to grow up to be a nice and caring person like you"

Changbin chuckled as he listened, being utterly thankful that other people weren't overseeing how hard he was trying to be there for everyone.

"Hey, can we go to our bedroom for a second?" Felix asked, turning Changbin around.

"Uh sure, but you know we should come back soon since our friends are visiting us and I haven't even talked to them yet"

Felix just nodded and started walking to their bedroom, Changbin following behind him. As they arrived, Felix walked inside and waited for Changbin to come inside too, before he closed the door.

"What did you want to talk about Lix?"

Felix shook his head "nothing"

He walked closer to Changbin, putting both of his hands onto his chest, clenching his shirt.

"I just missed those lips" he whispered and pulled Changbin closer by his shirt, pressing their lips together.

Changbin tensed a bit, but kissed back anyway. If Felix was planning on doing more than kissing, then this really wasn't the time for it. He just couldn't help but think about their friends outside, the people he has to go and take care of.

Nonetheless he tried enjoying the kiss, even after Felix further deepened it. He moved his hands to the boys waist, slowly rubbing them up and down.

"Jeez Hyung, relax. Why being so tense? You don't like it?"

"You know I love kissing you Lix. It's just, we have guests out there"

"I know, I just want one kiss, is that okay?"

Changbin nodded and pulled Felix in again, gently kissing him. They would both always feel butterflies in their stomachs whenever their lips would touch, and that feeling never went away, no matter how often they did it. It was more like it would increase over time.

The older couldn't help but slip a hand under Felix' shirt, lightly brushing over the soft skin.

Felix let out a small hum against Changbins lips at the warm feeling, holding tighter onto him. He felt Changbin travel up his back, giving him tingles, making him feel weak.

Though before the two could go any further, Changbin pulled away and looked at slightly messy looking Felix.

"I love you so much Felix"

"I love you too Binnie" Felix giggled and moved to hug Changbin, holding the embrace for a bit.

"We can continue this when they're gone yeah?"

Felix nodded and Changbin just held him for a while until he was ready to go back outside again. Once Felix had pulled away, he grabbed ahold of his boyfriends hand and lead him out the bedroom again.

The rest of the evening was spent with a lot of fun. Everyone was laughing, playing games, eating snacks and watching movies. They also grew close to Andre, he was actually a pretty funny person to be around, always making jokes and making others laugh. He had a personality and even looks that reminded everyone of Hyunjin and the two definitely did like each other.

Everything was perfect now.

Or was there still one thing that had to be done?

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