Chapter 58

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°•smut warning•° (last one lmao)


Felix shushed him up and parted his lips, lowering his head and taking Changbins length into his mouth. He was determined to make him feel good too, so he gave his best at it.

He tried controlling his gag-reflex to the best of his abilities, lowering his head as much as possible and taking in as much as he could.

It didn't take long before he felt Changbin hitting the back of his throat, making him almost lose it. He pressed his tongue against Changbins dick, starting to swirl it around, earning a very hot groan from the older.

"You're so good Lixie"

Changbin felt the warmth of Felix' mouth around himself, the movements of his tongue being insanely pleasurable. He extended his hand to Felix' hair, moving it away from the youngers face.

Felix was over the top confident, trying to push in more, from there he started bobbing his head up and down, getting another groan from the older.

Changbin was already very close from before and it seemed like Felix had gotten better at doing this.

"You're doing amazing Lix"
"Keep doing that for me"

After a few minutes it was Changbin who leaned his head against the wall, looking down at Felix who seemed to be feeling great too everytime he felt his throat get hit. By now he was sucking eagerly, whimpering but trying not to show that it felt that good for him too.

He wanted to make the older cum and he had a strategy on how to do so. He started using his hands too, twisting and turning them in time with his mouth movements. His boyfriend wasn't going to last long.

Changbin who still had one hand tangled in Felix' hair, unintentionally gripped the youngers hair and pulled on it a little a he finally came as well, a sexy moan leaving his body.

Felix wasn't sure why, but the pain he felt from Changbin pulling like that felt kinda good. He whimpered as he felt Changbin release into his mouth, a huge sense of achievement washing over him at the same time.

He rode out the olders orgasm with his hand after pulling away, swallowing down as he looked at Changbin.

"Did you just-"

"Yes I did" Felix opened is mouth and showed that there wasn't anything left in it, making Changbin chuckle at proud Felix.

Suddenly a weird Feeling started taking over Felix and he felt anxious and kind of lost, in need for affection and cuddles. It felt so strong and overwhelming, he just didn't know where it out of no where came from.

He crawled up to Changbin, throwing himself at the older and started cuddling him close. It was what felt right, it felt right to be near Changbin and he wanted to be as close as possible.

He kept trying to push to get closer even though it wasn't physically possible anymore, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Changbin noticed and quickly switched over to aftercare mode, wrapping his arms around Felix' body, rubbing shapes onto his back.

"It's okay Sunshine, I'm not going anywhere"

He felt Felix hold tighter onto him, so he decided to shuffle a little and move completely under the water in attempt to make Felix feel better.

"Is it warm enough?" He asked, his voice smooth and soothing as he brushed his hand over the youngers back, the water was falling onto their bodies.

Felix nodded quickly but didn't say anything, his heart beating a million miles, scared to let go and not even knowing why. As for Changbin, he knew this is something that can happen, so he just kept calmly talking to the boy and holding him firmly in place.

"You're my baby right?"

Felix again nodded at a fast pace, rubbing his face into Changbins neck, trying to calm down as he listened to the olders soft voice.

"Mh such a good boy" Changbin moved his other hand to Felix' head, gently going through his hair.

Felix stirred a little, nuzzling more against Changbin, feeling his cheeks flush red.

"Aw is my little one blushing?" Changbin asked, making Felix whine.

"I'm not!" He argued back, his voice muffled due to the position he was in.

"Come on, show me your pretty face"

Felix hesitated a bit but pulled away a little and looked at Changbin like a little puppy.

Changbin cooed at the cuteness of Felix and leaned in to kiss the top of his nose "see, you ARE blushing"

Felix whined and complained again, going back to his previous position to hide his now even redder face.

"No wait"
"I want to look at you"

The younger didn't respond, for a moment so he tried it again.

"Can you show me your face?"

Felix then shily pulled away and tried his best to look at Changbin without dying on the inside.

"There he is" Changbin smiled, moving his hands to cup the youngers cheeks. He moved his thumbs over them, the redness only increasing.

"It's cute when you blush for me like that"
"And when you can't help but try and hold onto me"

Felix again felt way too flustered in that situation, he tried moving his head to look down, but Changbin gently made him look up at him again.

"Don't look away"
"Let me see those eyes"

Changbin smiled as he looked at Felix being shy and panicking. He soon brought his face closer to the youngers, their lips almost touching, but not quiet yet.

"I love you"
"So much"

"I love you too" Felix leaned in and connected their lips, closing his eyes in content.

He felt like this could last forever. It felt like Changbin was always going to be there and never walk away ever again.

He loves Changbin with his whole heart, he really does. At first it was an innocent little crush and now here he was after months, kissing his boyfriend.

Loving someone this much, having them take over your heart completely was something Felix never thought he would fully be able to do, and yet, he was doing it right now. His whole life revolved around Changbin and just imagining it without the older hurt already.

Changbin felt the same. Felix had helped him gain so much more confidence and trust in himself. He no longer feels guilty for being close to people and he doesn't harm himself because of it.

He's now allowing himself to love Felix openly with no second thoughts or self doubt. The feeling of not being good enough almost completely faded away.

In the end, Felix was right and the days at Minhos house on his own did help him a lot. It gave him space and time to think. Minho was there to give him advice and everything worked out somehow.

"Changbin" Felix whispered after he had broken their kiss "will you promise not to leave my side?.. like ... ever..?"


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