Chapter 74

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They were practically strangers who barely knew each others names, yet here they were tightly hugging.

Andre was gripping Changbins shirt in fists, crying onto his shoulder. He had never talked to anyone about cutting and it just felt so good to be held and comforted.

"Hey, it's okay, you're not alone"

"I- I practically have no one. My 'friends' are all fake. They don't listen to me or even give a single damn about me..."

"What are you saying?" Changbin pulled away to be able to look into the boys eyes "you have us now, we will care about you. I'm so sure you're going to love the boys"

Andre tilted his head a little, was he really going to have friends who at least care a very little tiny bit about him? Was that even possible?


"Hey, how old are you?"

"I-i'm 23"

"Alright, I'm a little older than you. Not much, but you can still always come to me and ask me for advice okay? I'll be here whenever you need me"
"Chan will surely help you out a lot, more than I could ever help you. So how about I introduce you to everyone?"

Andre looked down. His eyes puffy, his cheeks red and tear stained, hands still shaking a bit. He didn't want to go there like this.

He lightly shook his head, feeling guilty for it. Now Changbin had to wait longer for him. Why can't he just be strong enough.

"FELIX!" Changbin yelled Felix' name, hearing a quiet "Yes?" in response.


"COMING" Felix answered again.

Changbin looked at the boy infront of him, seeing him fiddle with his shirt.

"Can you look at me for a second?" Changbin asked in his calm and soft voice.

Andre looked up and almost immediately felt Changbins hands on his cheeks, wiping the tears away, running his thumbs over the smooth skin. He felt warm and that feeling was relaxing, a little blush creeping up his face.

In that moment, Felix walked in, seeing the two. Seeing Andres state and Changbins hands on the boys cheeks.

And for the first time, he didn't feel jealous. He didn't feel jealous what so ever.

He was so confident in his relationship now. He knows Changbin is just trying to comfort him and Felix would've done the same.

"You called me Bin?" Felix spoke up as he entered the room, going up to the two, giving a warm smile to Andre.

"Yeah, come here baby, can you sit right there?"

Felix looked over to where Changbins finger was pointing and he instantly catched on, going to sit there.

Andre just watched as Felix went to sit behind him, being a little confused.

Though he quickly catched on, when he felt a body press against his back and arms wrapping around his stomach, Felix back hugging him.

It was a warm hug, yet he tensed a lot, his hands grabbing Felix', slightly pulling them away from his stomach.

"Oh Lix" Changbin quickly spoke up "be a little careful there"

Felix smiled and nodded as if he instantly understood. He gently placed his hands onto the boys' stomach, slowly rubbing circles, nuzzling his head against Andres back.

Changbin also went to hug him and wrapped his hands around his shoulders, holding him tightly.

"You know what?" Felix started, mumbling his words out a little as he enjoyed the hug "You're loved. And you're cared for. You didn't tell me what happened but it's obvious you're in need for support. You're part of our family now and I promise you, you will have a great time with us" Felix chuckled a bit at the last part, Changbin too.

Andre had wrapped his arms around Changbin too, hugging him back. He almost had more tears in his eyes at what Felix said. He felt warm and like he wasn't alone for the first time, like someone related. How did he get this lucky to suddenly find friends like this, and at that it's the people he hurt.

"Thank you guys.. you don't know how much I appreciate this"

Changbin and Felix held slightly tighter onto him, chuckling a little again, making Andre chuckle too.

"Wait, what's so funny?" He laughed lightly.

"I wonder if you will run away after a few hours or not. Our group is such a chaos" Felix replied.

They pulled away again and Felix stood up and walked to stand next to Changbin, the older still sitting and looking up at him.

"Is it okay if we could help Andre a bit?"

Felix tilted his head "Uh? Yeah of course, but what do you mean?"

Andre also tilted his head "Yeah what do you mean?"

Changbin chuckled at how they both did the same action but continued talking after "Is it okay if you show him?"

Andre looked at Felix, a little hesitant again. But at the same time, what did he have to lose?
It was scary to open up. It took him a year and unexpectedly, after all this time, he opened up to someone he barely knew. He did it because Changbin was about the same age as him and he had gone through the same things. But Felix?

"I- I don't know.."

"Hey, it's okay you do have to. But just so you know, Felix can relate to you too"

"He does..?"

Changbin looked up at Felix with a smile again, the boy smiling back "Baby can you tell him a few things about your parents?"

Felix nodded, his smile not fading. Changbin patted his lap and Felix went to sit with the older, facing Andre.

"Well, my parents both have died already, now I think one and a half years ago. My dad from cancer, my mom suicide caused by depression, loneliness and heartbreak" Felix explained, naturally and almost casually. He sounded strong, like it didn't affect him.

Andres eyes just widened. Felix relates to him too? But how is he able to talk so casually about it, when it was a year and a half ago? Andres parents died when he was young, and he still wasn't able to open up and talk about it.

"I- I'm sorry for your loss... but.. how can you talk about it like that?"

Changbin tightened his grip around Felix, feeling so so proud of how far he had came, nuzzling his face onto his back. Felix breathely chuckled a bit at Changbins gesture and continued  talking.

"I wasn't always that way. I used to cry a lot over the smallest memories; like a picture of us together or something as simple as the smell of my favorite dish that my mom used to cook for me"

Changbin knew Felix was saying that to comfort Andre, but he knew Felix was trying to remind him of moments they had and that alone made him so happy, he was so lucky.

"Long story short, I had a big crush on Changbin and when we started dating, he changed me, he made me a stronger person. He showed me that with time things will get better. He didn't just tell me he would always care and be there for me, he showed me. He's my new home now" Felix finished with a smile, Changbin trying to somehow cuddle closer to him after hearing those words.

Andre nodded and looked down. These two really looked like they were close, to the point where they seemed inseparable and he again remembered what he had done today, regretting it.

He did do it because he was attracted to Felix, but seeing the two now, he regrets it and that attraction is fully gone.

"S-sorry I tried coming between you two.."

Changbin chuckled, placing one hand onto Andres "Seriously now, if you apologize one more time, I will hit you again"

The two boys in the room also laughed a little. Things were going to get better now.

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