Chapter 82

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"Yes Lix?"

"Binnie.. I don't want to be here.." Felix shakily responded, his eyes getting glossy as more tears kept piling up "I'm scared.."

Changbin watched as the tears spilled over, slowly and silently running down his boyfriends face. He definitely felt guilty now.

He hated seeing Felix break down in fear, unable to stop himself from crying. He was sensitive and Changbin felt selfish for wanting to take advantage of that.

"It's okay Lix, nothing bad is going to happen, try focusing on the cool part. It's going to feel like gravity was shut down"

Felix looked at him, trying to see the 'positive' but there wasn't anything positive. He just wanted to get out of there. Shaking his head, he hopelessly looked at Changbin, biting his lip to prevent any sobs from escaping.

"Oh Sunshine, I'm so sorry"
"Come on, take my hand" Changbin reached his hand out to Felix as much as possible.

The younger just looked at the hand in front of him, then suddenly heard a loud countdown, signaling that it was about to start.



Felix lost it. He panicked so hard, his heart starting to beat at an even faster pace now, his breathing uncontrolled and too fast.


Changbin saw Felix shaking, his eyes starting to get puffy and the redness increasing. His cheeks were drowned in tears and his chest moving up for air at a rapid pace.


Since Felix hadn't responded by himself, it was Changbin who took his hand and intertwined their fingers. Once Changbin had done that, Felix looked up to his side again, his eyes locking with the olders.

"I'm here" he simply said, adding a warm smile.



Felix held onto these words, trying to calm himself down as they started moving upwards at a slow pace.

"You're okay, breathe with me" Changbin said and Felix listened, letting the older guide his breathing.

"Breath in"

Felix took a deep breath in, closing his eyes as he did so.

"And back out"

He breathed out and opened his eyes again, looking into Changbins. They did the same another two times, Felix slowly calming down, even though he still knew what was about to come.

Once they looked forward, they realized they were almost at the very top, about to drive down the steep beginning of the track.

Felix squeezed Changbins hand quite hard, trying to stay calm. Just the thought about those two loops was almost making him cry again.

"It's gonna be okay" Changbin reassured again "how about we go get ice cream once this is over?"

Unable to stop it, a small smile crept up the side of Felix' lips at how Changbin was trying to make it up to him. He nodded slowly and that's when they reached the top.

He took one more deep breath and let it out again, holding tightly onto Changbins hand. Although he wanted to keep his eyes opened, he just couldn't. He closed them and scrunched them shut, the cold wind hitting his face.

And then,

It started.

They started driving down, people starting to scream and yell, and Felix? He just had his eyes closed.

His eyes were closed and all he could feel was the harsh wind hitting him and the loud people in front of him. He felt the speed, but not looking made it so much better.

Changbin next to him was keeping an eye on him the whole time, not even trying to enjoy the ride. He smiled widely, taking a deep breath of the fresh air around them, seeing the first loop ahead.

With his excitement and the huge amount of adrenaline, it was actually quickly over and he chuckled a bit after. Meanwhile Felix next to him, having his eyes still scrunched shut and not even realizing that one loop was already over.

And just like the first one, the second one came along and was over after a few seconds again.

Felix decided to unite everything inside of him and open his eyes for a short moment. He closed them after one second, but then slowly opened them back up again when he didn't see any loops ahead. They were at the end already and it wasn't as bad and fast anymore.

"B-binnie" he called out again, turning his head to his boyfriend on the side with a huge smile.

"Yes Lixie?" Changbin laughed, seeing Felix' releaved smile, but the tear stains still covering his face.

"Binnie I did it!!" Felix smiled widely, the ride slowly coming to an end, only one last drive down.

Once it came, Felix put his hands up, to Changbins surprise. He had his one free hand up and the one that was intertwined with Changbins, giggling as the wind hit them, making their hair go into every direction.

He felt releaved that the worst part was over and all he did now was giggle in happiness.

Changbin watching him smile, admiring him. His beautiful face, his pretty features, his glowing aura. He really loved him, he needed to marry him.

The ride came to an end and the two got off, once again walking to one of the nearby seats. On the way there, Felix was constantly hugging Changbins arm, clinging to him. He was happy it was over, but he still felt a little overwhelmed and adrenaline was overflowing in his body.

It was what Changbin wanted all along, Felix not letting go of him, but now he was feeling guilty. Nice, his plan had worked out but at the same time not really.

They stopped at the seat and sat down, Felix still holding onto Changbins arm, not letting go.

The older turned around to him, making him let go and look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forced you" Changbin spoke up, his hand moving upwards to Felix' cheek, wiping the last tear stains away.

Felix looked at him with puppy eyes, enjoying the hand on his face. He was a little upset that Changbin hadn't given in when he clearly said he was scared, but then again, he wasn't necessarily mad. It was like Changbin made him face his fear and he kind of did it, if you don't count his closed eyes during almost the whole ride.

"I love you Changbin" he simply replied, Changbins turning into a little surprised one at the sudden words.


"You heard me, I said I love you"


"Shut up, I love you alright? I'm not mad at you" Felix answered slightly sternly, gripping Changbins hand with his own and nuzzling his cheek into it.


"Shut up" Felix interrupted him again, now just having the need to be close to his boyfriend and he didn't want to argue with him.

"Felix but I–"

This time Felix sighed, he's had it. He moved his hands to Changbins shoulders, pulling him towards himself, pressing their lips together into a quick kiss.

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