Chapter 29

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{Changbin pov}

I went outside the room and instantly headed to treating my bleeding arm.

Now that Felix was save and soundly asleep, my brain stopped blurring out the pain, and it felt like half of my arm was about to fall apart.

Thankfully we still had bandages in the house. As I was removing the old bandage I realized how bad my arm looked, but I tried ignoring it and just adding the ointment from the hospital before wrapping a fresh bandage around it.

Needless to say I felt like I'm about to pass out. I had a huge headache and the pain in my arms wasn't making anything better.

I went into the living room and saw two sleeping fluffballs on the couch. Chan must've taken care of Woo and San while we were .. not here.

Sitting on the couch, I petted Sans fur as he was sleeping. I pulled my phone out of my pocket where it had been untouched the past days.


No battery left.

Where even is my charger?

Reluctantly standing up, I started looking for my charger, and endet up finding it on the kitchen counter.

So I went back to the living room and proceeded in letting my phone charge for a while.

As I sat down on one of the couches, exhaustion took over my body and my eyes got heavy.
But I had to call Minho, I promised.

What you promise, you have to keep.

Having no choice, I stood up once again, walked to my phone and turned it on.

Sucker for Jisung

Hey, you have a minute?

Sucker for Jisung
Always, call me




Hey Bin

Hey Minho

So, how are you feeling?

I don't know Minho. I wish you knew what happened without me having to tell you

I'm sorry you have to think about it again, but can you tell your Hyung? Maybe I can help you process it better?

Since when are you this solicitous about me?

Since the day I thought I would never see my annoying friend again. Now come on, maybe talking with someone helps you?

Two words
Water boarding

What? On who?


Changbin, I can hear you're about to cry, it's okey, just let it all out. You don't always have to stay strong and pretend like you're completely fine when you actually aren't

Thanks Min
So uhm.. they..

Take your time

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