chapter 10

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{Felix pov}

After eating the 8 of us went back to the living room and talked about all kinds of random things, as always.

Everytime someone would try asking Changbin something he obviously didn't wanna talk about, I'd give them the biggest death glare I was able to make, and tell them to NOT ask about that. Of course they understood, we never judge or rush each other.

... except for me today.. but I really think Changbin will be better sooner if he has his friends by his side.
Funny how I made everyone stop asking but don't even know myself why Changbin feels so sad or why he went away for so long.

The two rabbits San and Woo hoppled inside the living room, being curious as they saw new people around.

"YOU HAVE RABBITS??!" Hyunjin firmly exploded and jumped up, going over to pet them.

"Yep San and Woo" Jeongin added "But keep them away from Chan"

Chan glared at Jeongin but they laughed it off afterwards.

Minho and Jisung were cuddling,
Jeongin was laying on Chans lap,
Hyunjin was patting San and Woo and Seungmin sitting across the room taking pictures of Hyunjin as he excitedly played with the rabbits.

Me and Changbin were sitting on different couches, opposite from each other.

"What time is it?" Jisung asked.

"Almost 10pm" Chan answered after checking his phone.

Jisung stood up and went to the bag he brought with him. Opening it he brought up four bottles of Alcohol
"You guys actually thought we wouldn't celebrate this?"

"Jisung, no drinking, we have a baby here" Chan stated.

Jeongin looked at him, annoyed. "Channie, I'm an adult, I finished college.."

"You'll always be a baby" Seungmin added.

"Turn off your dad mode and have fun for once Chan!" Jisung replied.

"I'm in on some games" Hyunjin suggested, excitedly running back to Seungmin.

"What game though? Classic or not?" Minho asked, looking at all of us.





"Alright Alright we'll do classic, now stfu" Minho continued, regretting talking in the first place.

Hyunjin thought for a second "Well let's play truth or dare, you can't be more classic than that"

"How does it work again? If you don't want to answer or do the dare you have to drink right?" Chan asked.

"Exactly" Hyunjin replied.

Changbin stood up and probably headed for the kitchen, my eyes following him until he disappeared into a room. I instantly felt anxiety in my stomach, I knew he was just about to come back, but I couldn't help the feeling. Being away from him really left a scar and I was constantly afraid of not being able to see him.

Luckily he came back a few minutes after with 8 glasses in his hands, almost dropping all of them.
Jisung opened two of the four bottles and poured some Alkohol into all the glasses until they were half full.

We also decided to sit in a circle on the ground for a better vibe.

"Alright I start since I brought the Alkohol" Jisung spoke up "I'll ask Chan, truth or dare?"

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