Chapter 22

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{Third person}

Next day Felix woke up without his boyfriend by his side. He yawned and turned from side to side, then reluctantly stood up and headed for the bathroom.

He noticed one drawer opened, thinking either Changbin or the ghost in Changbins room might have opened it. Quickly brushing his teeth and cleansing his face, he went to the living room.

As he entered, he immediately saw Changbin sleeping on the couch with one arm stretched out onto the table.

'What kind of an idiot would sleep in that position?' He laughed to himself and walked up to the sleeping boy.

As he walked closer to the table, he noticed some kind of item next to Changbins hand on the table.

'Oh my damn God is that a razor blade?'

Instantly he lifted his boyfriends arm and turned it a bit, checking if the bandages were clean or not, then his other arm and legs.
There was no blood what so ever and the blade was clean as well.

"Heyy Binnie wake up"
"Wake up Binnie"

Changbin shook his head slightly as he was too tired to open his eyes.

"Could you look at me for a bit?"

Now he had no choice but to open his eyes, realizing it was Felix who's waking him up. "What is it Lix?"

"Could you explain what this is doing on the living room table and not in the bathroom drawer?" Felix demanded, holding the razor blade up.

Changbin would've liked to kill himself right in that moment for forgetting to put that blade back.

"Lix it's not what it looks like-"

"Shut up and show me your stomach"

"What? Why?"

"Let me check if there's something Changbin!"

Felix didn't care if Changbin wanted to or not, he grabbed the olders t-shirt  and pulled it upwards, looking for any possible cuts underneath the fabric.

He was pleasantly shocked when he was met with clear skin, free from any scratches or scars and some good looking toned abs.

"There- There's nothing.."

"See I told you, you got this wrong" Changbin sat up and pulled Felix down to sit in his lap.

The truth is, Changbin did want to cut the other night after reading Jacksons letter. He asked himself if he was worthy of Felix' love and if he was even able to protect him. However in the end, he for some reason managed to not do anything and just fell asleep on the couch.

"Lix I didn't do anything"

"Then what is that balde doing outside?!"

"My body just did what it wanted at first, but I managed to keep myself from cutting because I remembered your words. I remembered what you told me and that gave me enough strength to stop myself from even starting"

Felix wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck and hugged him tightly. He was beyond relieved that nothing bad happend.. but he still wondered about something

"Did something in particular trigger you?"

Now was the time for Changbin to jump out the window. What was he supposed to say to that? "Oh you know, there's this letter from my ex boyfriend who wants all of us to suffer..." Lucky for him, God was being nice that day.

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