Chapter 13

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{Felix pov}

After another two hours and 15minutes we arrived at the house. We went upstairs and placed the bags onto the ground and Changbin went through them. He seemed to like everything he saw, his smile never faded away while looking at the items.

It was a little creepy when he didn't comment on the reddish-pinkish shirt. I wanted him to try a few outfits on, and so he did. He only tried on the ones with long sleeved shirts, so I guess only the things he can wear in the winter season right now.

I really wanted to see him in the leather pants though, so after a few tries, he put it on with the striped turtle neck pullover. He'd always go to the bathroom to change, and when he came back wearing those leather pants, I decided I would surrender. He's too much for me.

I looked up and down his body, unintentionally biting my lip at the sight.
He came closer and held my waist

"Thank you for helping me out Lix"

"Anything for my hot boyfriend"

He laughed "You haven't seen anything yet" and let go, going to change into his Pyjamas.
...leaving me flustered as always.

I also changed and helped him cook dinner for the 8 of us. We ate on our own at 8pm though, since we had enough of waiting and were dying from hunger.
After dinner, we both played with Woo and San, running after them.

Suddenly Changbins leg kind of gave up on him, and he fell onto the ground, hissing in pain.

"Binnie are you alright?" I went up to him, he was holding his left leg, trying to look like he wasn't in pain, but it was visible to me.

"Let me see" I attempted lifting his sweatpants up, and look if he had bruises or anything, but he quickly slapped my hand away.

"Leave it, I'm fine" he attempted standing up, however he fell back down, as soon as he put some weight on his leg.

"Bin you're clearly in pain, let me help you!"

"DON'T TOUCH ME FELIX.." I flinched when he raised his voice "..I'm completely fine"
He managed to somehow stand up, and limped out the living room

"W-where are you doing? You have to sit or lay down somewhere"

"I told you I'm fine! I'm just going to the bathroom"
With that he entered the bathroom and closed the door, locking it afterwards.

I felt myself tear up, but held it in. Changbin never raised his voice on me and I didn't know why his leg was hurting.

Ten minutes passed and he still didn't come out.

Twenty minutes, still nothing.

Thirty minutes, no sound. I knocked on the door, but no one answered. The worried person I always am, of course I panicked. In situations like that all I could do, was text Chan

Channie the dad

Chan I know you guys are probably having fun right now, but Changbin went into the bathroom and hasn't been out in 30minutes!!

Channie the dad
We're actually already on our way to the house. He's probably just shitting Felix don't worry

I'm serious. There's not even a single sound when I knock on the door

Channie the dad
Did something happen before he entered the bathroom?

He fell onto the ground when we were running after the rabbits. He looked like he was in pain so I wanted to lift his pants and see if there was something but be slapped my hand away. He couldn't even walk properly when he went to the bathroom.

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