Chapter 77

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"Alright jokes aside" Changbin chuckled and moved to grab Andres shirt for him "Let's get you dressed again"

He shuffled close to Andre once more "put your hands up"

"Why...?" Andre looked at Changbin who again, was being too close. He was taller than Changbin, but for some reason the older would make him feel really small and he didn't know whether he liked that feeling or not.

"I mean, you can put your shirt on yourself too" Changbin replied and Felix chuckled from behind him at that bold statement.

"Binnie, I think he's too over the place when you're that close to him" he laughed.


"Guys guys" Andre sat up, now not resting on his elbows anymore, but sitting cross-legged, Changbin still kneeling next to him. "Would you mind not teaming up and teasing me" he whined.

Changbin chuckled and motioned for Andre to raise his hands "Arms up"

The younger just looked at him and sighed, raising his arms and letting Changbin put the shirt over his head, helping him get into it.

"It's all fun and stuff, but I wasn't joking when I said you can come to us whenever you're feeling anxious because of money or anything else" he spoke as he held one of Andres hands, pulling it through the first sleeve.

"Lix and I really don't mind, I mean didn't you see how we joke around and all?" Changbin continued, now getting Andres other hand through the sleeve, pulling the shirt down on him after to cover the bandages.

"Thanks a lot Hyung, you guys are going to change me for the better" he smiled, looking at Felix too.

"Honestly, Jisung is more likely to change you into a person with no braincells" Felix chuckled, Changbin following with the same action.

"Talking about Jisung, let's go introduce you to everyone if you're ready?" Changbin tilted his head, waiting for a response.

"Do you think they're going to like me..?" Andre looked down. Changbin and Felix were going to tell everyone else about what he did to them and then the friendship with the other boys will end before it was even created.

"Why would they not like you?" Felix asked, making grabby hands for Changbin.

The older cooed and shuffled from his place to Felix', letting the boy cuddle onto him as he spoke to Andre.

"Why are you questioning whether they would like you or not?"

Andre sighed and brought his knees up to his chest, hugging them "You know.. after what I've done to you guys.."

Changbin chuckled a bit, telling Andre to come sit next to and not infront of them, Felix making grabby hands for him. 

The boy did as he was told and shuffled next to them, now sitting next to Felix who immediately wrapped one arm around Andres shoulder, pulling him close. So it was Felix in the middle of both of them, cuddling the two boys.

Andre was a little taken aback. He didn't want to cross boundaries since these two were dating and he didn't want to ruin things again. So he just awkwardly sat there, not knowing what exactly to do now. Should he return what Felix was doing or not? Was it okay?

Changbin watched from the side for a moment, seeing how lost Andre looked, seeing how he actually didn't do anything besides being there, because he didn't want Changbin to be mad at him again.

"It's okay, you can hug him back. It's 8pm so it's his time to get cuddles" he chuckled, Andre looking at him with a small smile, happy the older had understood what was going on in his mind.

"He's not my property, you can get hugs and cuddles too, as long as I get more of them" Changbin said that and Felix couldn't help but laugh.

"Where's the angry and jealous Changbin from earlier in the restaurant? It's like you're a completely diffrent person" he nudged his boyfriend a bit.

"I don't know what you mean" Changbin played dumb, internally laughing at himself too.

"You were furious simply because they were looking at me and you literally grabbed and dragged me to the restrooms and fu–"

Felix was cut off when Changbin quickly put his palm onto his mouth to shut him up "okay Felix, no more information please" he nervously chuckled.

The younger pulled his hand off and laughed himself. He got ahold of one of Andres still tense arms and wrapped it around his shoulder, Changbins arm was around his waist, holding him tightly.

Andre just chuckled at the couples stupidity and let himself slightly side-hug Felix "but judging on the marks on his neck, I probably already know what you guys did there"

Felix giggled and remembered the marks on his neck, being proud of them. Changbin on the other hand simply sighed in defeat and lightly shook his head.

"Why did you have to mention the restrooms Felix"

Andre and Felix just both laughed at Changbin, the boy being slightly embarrassed at how jealous he got. He didn't even know himself why was letting Andre be so close to Felix right now, when in reality, he had always been overprotective of Felix and only let their close friends be like this with him.

Maybe it was because he knew, Andre wouldn't dare to do anything with Felix after today. Maybe because he saw who Andre truly was, and that he wasn't someone who would keep trying to steal someone else's boyfriend. He knew what Andre did was wrong, but now that they've talked and he listened to the boys story, he realized they had a few things in common.

He did have a reason to still be mad at him, but he decided against it. Changbin knew he wouldn't forget what had happened, but the best way to let go of certain incidents and leave those events in the past, was to forgive. And he forgave Andre. He was even ready to take him in as their friend and take care of him.

"You know what Andre" Changbin started, getting the others' attention "I'm glad we got to meet again, because now I know who you truly are"
"And I'm sure the others will like you too. You don't have to worry about them not wanting to be your friends, what happened between us stays between us, we won't tell them about today" he finished with a smile, looking at the two.

"Yay yay yay, now we can introduce you to everyone and Changbin can finally talk to Oliver" Felix giggled, letting go of both of them and jumping up, motioning for the others to finally stand up and get out of that bathroom.

Both of them chuckled and stood up as well, watching Felix jump up and down.  They started walking out of the bathroom, Felix ahead, almost running, Changbin and Andre being very slow.

Felix being out of sight, Andre quickly put one hand onto Changbins shoulder, making him turn around.

"Thank you, Hyung"

"You're welcome"


A/N: I'm really sorry for the slow updates :(

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