Chapter 76

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"I'd do anything to give you something back."

Changbin chuckled a bit "No it's not that kind of something."
"I just want you talk to me, call me, text me or whatever fits the most at that moment, when you feel stressed and want to cut again."

"Hyung I–"

"No it's okay. You can call me whenever, come visit us whenever too. I'll make sure you have my number before you leave this house. You can't cut onto your stomach anyway now because of the bandages, but still, if you get that feeling, talk to me right away"
"If you ever feel stressed because of money, I want you to feel comfortable asking me to give you some, I make more than enough helping Chan out"

Andre probably started tearing up in the middle of Changbins speech.

When you've been feeling alone for the longest time. Feeling trapped, feeling like you can't get out of your problems. When you have just so many responsibilities to take care of and when you constantly feel guilty for ruining someone's childhood; then you will feel over the top happy when someone is finally truly there for you. Truly wanting to help you, not just pretending to care.

And it felt unreal to Andre. Why were they helping him? It didn't make sense.
It wouldn't make sense to help out someone they barely know, and less sense if that someone has hurt them before.

A tear managed to escape his eye and run down his face, Changbin instantly nudging Felix a little, telling him to wipe it away that way.

And Felix did, he leaned a little closer to him, reaching his hand to his face and wiping that tear away.

"I agree with Changbin hyung. There's no reason to feel like you don't deserve this okay? Because you do. You went through so much. Imagine us being the people your parents sent you from the skies in order to help you out" Felix said, going back to being held by his boyfriend.

Andre imagined that picture in his head, maybe his parents really were trying to help him.

"Guys.. can I give you a hug?"

Changbin and Felix looked at each other and bursted out into laughter, Andre being confused again, looking between the two.

Then suddenly, both of them firmly jumped up, attacking the boy with a huge hug, making him fall to the ground, but they made sure his head didn't get hurt. He was somehow still holding himself up with his elbows.

They layed there laughing for minutes. Just laughing and enjoying each others presence, until the two sat back up again.

One look to oneanother and they decided to tease Andre again, already trying to contain their laughter.

Both of them shuffled closer to him, their legs now touching. The two boys leaned their bodies to Andres face, being close, very close.

Andre was lost and did not expect this. He wanted to shuffle back but he couldn't, he felt frozen and like someone was holding him right where he was sitting. He blushed hard, unable not to do so at that closeness.

Felix placed a hand onto Andres still bare chest, looking slightly to the side at Changbin, seeing his hand cupping the boys cheek, gliding his thumb over it.

"Bin, he kinda does look kissable doesn't he?" Felix started, moving his hand down Andres torso.

Changbin just hummed and looked back at Andre, or more like, looked at his lips.

Andre just flushed red, being petrified. Both Changbin and Felix were extremely attractive and now here they were, touching him and saying things like that.

It seemed like harmless teasing, but it wouldn't result well if he'd catch some type of feeling for one of them or even both, when they were already in a relationship and happy together.

He was kind of trapped in the middle of them. He could top Felix but Changbin could easily top and make him sub quite hard.

His thoughts were cut off, feeling Changbins hand slide down his neck. He looked into the olders eyes, catching eye contact with him. Andre immediately blushed harder and looked away, Changbins gaze being too much for him.

Changbin smirked at the reaction and moved his hand to Andres chin, turning his head back to look into his eyes.

"I think he gets even more flustered than you Lix"

Felix now also blushed, his confidence fading, whining and letting himself fall forward a bit, resting his forehead onto Andres shoulder.

"Y'all are you serious? Am I really that dominating?" Changbin laughed.

"YES OBVIOUSLY!?" Both Andre and Felix spoke in sync, Changbin just chuckling.

"If I'm able to make two sub at the same time, then Chan is probably able to make 100 sub at the same time" Changbin just laughed at the imagination he just had, the two boys next to him just getting more flustered.

"Lix" Changbin called out for Felix, the boy immediately leaning up to him. The older gave him a kiss, having missed Felix' lips.

Andre still flushed red as he watched them, not knowing what to do. Once they parted, they turned to him again, chuckling when he lowered his head down quickly.

"He must feel lonely, give him a kiss puppy"

Felix and Andre both looked at him like he had just killed Oliver and Jeongin, stepped on his rabbits and broken Chans nose.

"Jeez, an innocent kiss onto his cheek, calm the fuck down, I don't share my boyfriend"

Both boys sighed, not knowing if it was in releave or not but they just had to let the trapped air in their lungs out.

Felix smiled and moved to Andre, leaning up to his face and giving him a quick kiss onto his cheek. He felt weird about it since it wasn't Changbin and he had never kissed anyone else beside him. He didn't quite see the kiss as something romantic, not at all. It was more like a brotherly kiss or whatever you would call it.

"Don't get a crush on him, he's taken" Changbin again chuckled, seeing Andres by now completely lost face, flushed red and blushing.

Felix looked at Changbin and winked at him, Andre only able to see Felix' back, not realizing they just agreed on continuing their teasing.

"But Binnie, you could make both of us sub right?"

"Yeah?" Changbin smirked, playing along with Felix.

"Why don't we try a threesome?"
"Andre wouldn't mind getting fucked"

Felix turned away from Changbin and back to Andre after saying that. He was now sitting onto his knees between them, Andre still keeping himself up with his elbows and Changbin having his legs crossed.

Andre's reaction was quite amusing since he choked on air and fell down, his arms giving up on him.

Felix and Changbin just broke out in laughter, falling to the ground themselves. It was fun to see someone like Andre, someone who looked big and tough and on the outside, act that way.

"Why are you playing with my feelings like that?" Andre laughed a bit, trying not to freak out.

First they flirt with him. They touch him and tease him, Felix even giving him a kiss onto his cheek. He didn't have time to process all of that and now they're talking about a threesome? It was two against one, that's not fair.


A/N: What do you think about Andre, the dude who hit on Felix in the restaurant, now being friends with them and the boys making jokes like that?

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