Chapter 51

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I'm so excited for you to read the 52nd chapter tomorrow!!🌻

Hope you enjoy this one for now^^


It's been 15 minutes of waiting, yet Felix and Changbin still didn't come out of their room.

"Sung, can you go look for them? They better not be having sex on my precious guest-bed" Minho turned to Jisung.

"Okey, but what if they're actually having sex, like what do you want me to do about it?" Jisung chuckled.

"Walk in on them with a camera in your hand" Seungmin suggested, Hyunjin looking at him in a confused way.

"You're evil Seungmin" Chan laughed "Just let them have their fun, they didn't see each other for a week"

"You have a point, but they aren't fighting anymore, so Changbin still being here and not at home, simply doesn't make any sense" Minho added, knowing Changbins exact reasons but pretending like he didn't.

"You're the one he's been talking to, so don't act like you don't understand why" Chan chuckled again.

"Okey okey guys, who cares right now. But why do I have to be the one to go and look for them?"

"Because else you would be sleeping on the couch and not next to me in bed tonight" Minho threatens, a smirk on the side of his lips as he answered Jisungs question.

Jisung sighed, let out a quick "fine" and headed for the rooms direction. Going past the bathroom, the kitchen, his and Minhos room, the other bathroom near Changbins room and then he arrived at the room Changbin was staying in.

The door was widely opened and there wasn't anyone inside. He entered and looked around as if they would somehow magically appear in front of him that way.

It was weird and he didn't know where they had gone, so he decided to go back to his friends and ask for advice again.

Just as he was passing by the bathroom, he realized the door was locked and it made sense when he heared soft moans coming from the room. They were quiet, but still audible if you listened close enough.

Jisung recognized them as Felix', for some reason smiling since the boy was obviously trying hard not to make any sound, but failing at it.

Jisung didn't want to stay there longer, like a creep listening to his best friend moaning, so he continued walking back to the others. Though he couldn't deny the fact that Felix moaning sounded pretty cute. It's like the most innocent and shy sound someone could make.

He chucked at the thoughts he was having, trying to ignore the heat he felt in his body when he arrived back and looked at Minho.

The older noticed his boyfriend back, having a light-pink blush on his face "come here Sung"

Jisung slightly smiled and went up to Minho, sitting in his lap on the couch, even if that wasn't the best idea, considering how fast his lust for his own boyfriend was growing now.

"Why are you blushing mh?" Minho asked as the other ones were talking and not paying attention.

"They're in the bathroom" Jisung mumbled, hugging Minho so he wouldn't have to face the older.

"You heared Felix and it got you aroused too, didn't it?" Minho smirked, rubbing his hand up and down the youngers back.

".....just a little"

Minho chuckled and brought Jisung to sit next to him on the couch so he could look at him. He gave him a quick kiss on the lips "wait until everyone goes home"

Jisung just smiled, now being excited for the night, when Changbin with Felix clinging to him came into the room, catching everyones attention right away.

Felix had messy hair and was still taking deep breaths, his face was red and his eyes heavy, Changbin helping him stand up straight with one arm around the boy.

"Don't tell me you-" Minho spoke up but was quickly interrupted by Changbin.

"No Hyung we didn't"
"I just got him horny and took care of it" he chuckled at his own boldness.

Felix weakly hit Changbin on his arm, his face flushig a brighter red in embarrassment, everyone in the room chuckling.

"Sorry Minho-hyung.." Felix apologized.

"It's fine Lix, as long you don't have sex at my house, I don't really care what you guys do"
"Now tell me, did it at least feel good?"

Felix' face now was looking unhealthily red as everyone was looking at him, waiting for an asnwer.

Changbin walked him to the couch and they sat next to Jisung and minho, Felix on Changbins lap.

"Stop asking stuff like that" Changbin chucked and held Felix close.

"I'm older than you I'm allowed to ask what I want" Minho laughed, knowing that wasn't reason enough to ask something this personal "now, did it feel good or not?"

Felix collected all of his confidence and looked at Minho, smirking at the older as be spoke "It was so good, you wish you could be as good at handjobs as Changbin"

Minho raised his eyebrows, now feeling offended. Changbin on the other hand looked more surprised and chocked on air as he didn't expect Felix to say that, laughing and holding the younger a little tighter in his arms.

"You never even tried Minho! You can't just assume your boyfriend is better at it than mine!" Jisung half sarcasticly, half seriously fought back at Felix.

"And you've never tried Changbin!"

"Sorry to interrupt you there guys, but neither did any of you try Hyunjin, and I mean he obviously is the best one amongst your crappy boyfriends" Seungmin joined the fight.

"Did you just call us crappy?" Both Changbin and Minho spoke up at the same time, Seungmin nodding to their question without any hesitation.

They all turned around when they heard Jeongin laughing loudly as if he was the evil king of the story.

"What?" Seungmin, Felix and Jisung spoke in sync.

"You guys fighting over who's better at giving handjobs, but this guy right here.." Jeongin put his hand on Chans shoulder "he's the oldest and has the most experience and we've been together for the longest out of you three, for years to be persise, so he knows EXACTLY what I like. Now beat THAT"

Jisung, Seungmin and Felix all looked at each other, every single one of them defeated, knowing Jeongin was right.

"Hah, I won" Jeongin smiled and kissed Chans cheek, now being proud of himself. Chan just chuckled and smiled at Jeongin with so much admiration.

"I think we often underestimate the fact that he's grown up too and not a baby anymore.." Seungmin talked.

"Yeah.." Felix added.

"Let's play something until 8pm, I have to show Jeongin something after, you guys can come along too" Chan smiled.

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