Chapter 56

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Felix leaned in, pressing his lips against Changbins as he smiled, one hand reaching for the olders body, staring to touch up the skin.

"I don't want you to think about those Binnie..."
"Because I will always love you no matter what"

He pulled away again, catching his breath "besides.. they make you look like a hot warrior"

Changbin chuckled and cupped Felix' cheeks, trying to process how lucky he is "I love you so eternally much Felix"

"I love you too"
"Now, you have something to give me" Felix smirked and got a few towels from the side, pushing Changbin slightly and putting them under his head so he was comfortably laying down. He climbed over Changbin, attaching his lips onto his neck, starting to kiss and suck on diffrent spots.

Changbin was surprised, but he let it happen, enjoying the kisses as they lingered on the side of his neck.

"You're being way too confident today"
"Already giving me top vibes" he chuckled.

Felix looked up at him with a pout "Hey!"
"I'm trying my best to make you feel good here"
"Just one touch from you and all of my confidence will be gone"
"So let me take care of you for a bit before you make me fully submit to you"

Changbin smiled at the youngers words and didn't say anything further. He tilted his head, allowing more access to his neck.

Felix lowered his body with each kiss, arriving at the bottom of the olders torso. Just as he was unbuttoning Changbins pants, he got stopped.



"Come here" Changbin pulled Felix back up again, connecting their lips and slowly turning them around, making sure Felix' head rested on the towels.

"But I wanted to make you feel good.." Felix pouted, Changbin kissed that pout away.

"I know"
"But I can't wait to hear you moan out my name"

And with that, he pulled Felix' hoodie away, revealing his caramel skin. Changbin smiled and threw the piece of clothing to the side, bending down kiss Felix' body. Today he felt like being very gentle with the younger, so he treated his body with extra care.

"So so pretty" he mumbled, sucking on Felix' neck, not missing his sensetive spot, hearing Felix start whimpering at the sensation "just mine.."

Felix as usual placed his hands into Changbins shoulders, sounds of pleasure leaving his mouth, now he had no reason to suppress them. Changbin was sucking for way too long on one single spot and Felix knew that was going to be visible.

"I've always wanted to mark you.." Changbin whispered, looking at the red-purple mark that slowly appeared on the youngers neck.

He then kissed down Felix' neck, stopping at his collar bones, looking up to the the youngers closed eyes, his frowned eye brows, the sweat that's slowly forming on his forehead. Again he stopped there, sucking on one spot, eagerly wanting to mark Felix.

He was happy when he saw another hickey forming onto Felix' skin. Now continuing down, until he reached the youngers pants. When he looked at Felix, the boy was for some reason blushing hard, his face bright red.

"You're shy?"

Felix nodded, feeling diffrent and more shy than usual.

"But I've already seen your body" he asnwered as he slowly unbuttoning Felix' pants. Before pulling them down, he looked at Felix again, asking if he was comfortable enough.

Felix nodded, knowing he could trust Changbin. The older proceeded and pulled Felix' pants and underwear off, throwing them to the side. He touched up the skin, seeing Felix shiver under his hand.

"Ch-changbin.." Felix chocked out a moan when Changbin took his length into his hand, slowly starting to stroke him. He bucked his hips up into Changbins hand, feeling pleasure starting to curse through his body.

"You like that?"

"Ye- yes.."

Changbin used his other hand to straddle Felix' legs, moving his fingers to his entrance.

Felix tensed up a little, but then remembered this wasn't his first time, and Changbin wouldn't hurt him. He relaxed his body as much as possible, feeling Changbins finger slowly entering him.

His little whimpers started getting into moans as Changbin added two more fingers, thrusting them in an out of Felix.

"Fuck.. it's s-so good"

Changbin watched as Felix moved his hips down in time with Changbins hand movements, desperate for more pleasure, moaning without stopping.

He soon pulled away, Felix instantly whining at the empty feeling he got.

"Go in the shower and continue that for me okay?"

Felix blushed uncontrollably, Changbin wanted Felix to finger himself in front of him, he had never done that before.

"It's okey, don't overthink it" Changbin reassured, helping Felix up, letting him walk into the shower.

Changbin started taking off his remaining clothes, after a few second hearing Felix moan out again.

"Changbin.. a-ah!"

He finished and turned around, seeing Felix sat down in the shower, the water falling onto the side of his body as he fingered himself, moaning Changbins name. That sight alone was enough to make his body heat up, making him hungry for the younger.

He walked to the shower as well, closing the big glass door, kneeling down in front of Felix, leaning in to kiss him. He pulled the youngers hand away, replacing it with his own again, thrusting into Felix at a decent pace.

"Mhm.. Changbin.."
"I can't wait anymore.."

Changbin smiled through the kiss and pulled away, standing up and helping Felix get up, turning him to the wall and pressing him against it.

"We've never tried this position have we?" He whispered against Felix' ear, having him melt into his grip.

"N-no we haven't.."

Changbin positioned himself against Felix' entrance, rubbing circles onto the side of his hip to sooth him.


Felix hummed and tilted his head back, resting it onto Changbins shoulder. His his heart aggressively beating against his chest, his skin burning everytime Changbin ran his hand over it. Having Changbin touching him, making him feel these things just was unreal and so addicting.

Changbin slowly moved himself into Felix, sucking in a breath at the warm feeling of Felix around him.

Felix scrunched his eyes shut, giving the burning feeling of the stretch time to fade away.


Kinda wrote a 4000 words long smut, so I divided it into 4 chapters lmao

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