Chapter 75

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"Now if you feel comfortable, you can tell Felix about it too and we can treat your stomach" Changbin said softly.

Andre unsure, but nodded nonetheless. He looked at Felix and tried smiling, tried speaking in the same strong way he did, but it was just too hard.

"Simply explained, my parents both have died when I was young, Oliver was still a toddler. Ever since then I've had to provide for us and deal with the fact that we both had no one left. Oliver has to work too, just so we can have a decent life. I feel bad for robbing his teenage years, having to make him work. It's a lot of pressure and stress on me and so... I- I started cutting.."

Andre really looked stressed and Felix was now definitely able to see that after hearing his story. His black long hair falling onto his face, a few strains tucked behind his ears. The dark circles around his eyes, the slightly irritated skin.

"Hey look" Felix placed his hands onto the boys shoulders "Me and Hyung both understand how you feel, he also knows how it is to lose a family member. I promise you things will get better and we're here to help you get through this. Is it okay if you show me your stomach?"

Andre smiled a little and nodded, grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it up, showing it to Felix.

Felix looked at him carefully, noticing the older and newer one's, then nodding.

"Let's treat this"

Felix got up and went to get stuff out of the drawer. An antibacterial wipe and some bandages.

Meanwhile Changbin had shuffled closer to Andre, getting ahold of his shirt and slowly pulling it over his head.

Andre blushed slightly, he wasn't necessarily the proudest of his body.

Felix returned and watched Changbin shuffle back to sit where he was previously sitting again, both of them noticed the boys' reaction.

"It's okay, you have a nice body actually" both Changbin and Felix spoke up im sync.

They turned to each other and started laughing, Andre laughing too.

"Thanks guys"

"You're welcome" again both in sync, everyone in the room breaking out in laughter one more time.

All three of them moved to the ground. Andre sitting with his legs crossed, hands on the floor behind his body to keep him steady. Changbin cross legged infront of him and Felix kneeling next to him.

Felix opened the package and got the wipe out, one hand on Andres shoulder and the other one moving to his tummy.

"It will sting and burn like fire. You'll feel like you want to die" Changbin informed, speaking from experience.

"Hyung shut up, you'll scare him even more"

Both Andre and Changbin chuckled.

"Don't worry Lix, he's tough"

Andre nervously chuckled at that statement and nodded for Felix to continue. He was planning on being as tough as he possibly could.

"You can hold Changbin hyungs hand if it hurts too much, he doesn't mind"

Changbin smiled and reached his hand out for the boy to take, which he did a few seconds after. He now only had one hand to keep himself up, so Felix placed his free arm behind Andres back, to keep him from slipping.


Andre nodded again, preparing himself for the burn.

Felix proceeded and placed the wipe onto the boys stomach, gently starting to glide over the cuts to disinfect them.

Andre clenched his teeth and tilted his head back, hissing at the stinging feeling. He sqeezed Changbins hand for comfort, feeling the older squeeze back. And it felt good to have someone by his side.

"It's okay, you got this"
"I made it, so you will too" Changbin tried encouraging the boy in pain infront of him, getting a rapid nod back.

"I-it.. it's really bad"

"I know, I'm almost finished" Felix rubbed Andres back to help sooth him.

A few more moments of stinging, burning and pain went by until Felix finally finished and pulled away to go and throw the wipe away.

Andre let go of Changbins hand, moving it to the floor behind his body again to hold himself up, breathing slightly heavily. Changbin looked at him, not hiding how proud he felt.

"you did great" he smiled, moving to grab the clean bandages "I'll put these on you now, it'll help the pain and they will heal better and faster"

Andre just nodded, watching as Changbin started wrapping the white fabric around his stomach.

"Changbin hyung, but he looked hot tilting his head like that don't you think?" Felix joked around, chuckling a bit.

"I know right?" Changbin responded as he kept going with what he was doing "I could literally fall for his body"

"Same, looks nice to touch" Felix again replied.

Both of them were joking around, chuckling at how Andre would blush and shake his head. They weren't necessarily lying though, he did look hot. Toned abs, toned arms, his skin a pretty olive shade, smooth and glowing.

"Guys stoop" he whined, looking at Changbin as the older pulled away after finishing. 

Felix immediatly shuffled to his side to sit next to Changbin infront of Andre, his boyfriend wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"It's the truth though" Felix spoke.

"Yeah agreed" Changbin added with a chuckle, Andre whining again.
"Seriously now, I hope they'll heal soon"

"But hyung, I honestly don't know how to thank you, you too Felix"

"Come on now, who said you had to thank us" Felix laughed, lightly kicking Andres knee with his foot, the boy chuckling too.

"You really don't have to thank us"
"But I want you to do something for me" Changbin spoke up, Felix turning his head to look at him, being a little confused.

What could Changbin possibly ask for?


Hey everyone who's reading this book :3

I'm very sorry for the messy and irregular updates. I ran out of pre-written chapters and I've been having a lot of work to get done. So sometimes I'm able to finish a chapter in one day and sometimes I need two or three days.

But I promise updates will not take longer than 3 days max.

Have a nice day :)

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