Chapter 67

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"Have you ever wondered why you've never met my parents?"
"I told you they lived in another city"
"They moved from here to forget about everything, to have a fresh start"
"They barely ever talk to me, they think it's my fault this happened to her and I can't blame them. My relationship drama caused all of this to them"
"I promised myself to never talk about her ever again, to just leave it in the past and move on, so I hope this explains the necklace to you"

"Binnie.." Felix was feeling utterly guilty after hearing Changbin out. He shouldn't have demanded an explanation.

Killed? Murdered?

What kind of a movie was that? Felix almost couldn't believe it, but he quickly remembered how Jackson had kidnapped them and tryed manipulating Felix into thinking Changbin didn't love him.

Jackson had a gang, and that alone was something Felix hadn't even fully realized yet. It all seemed so far fetched, so unreal, but it was there and it happened to them.

"I hate to show you how broken I still am Felix. You helped me get through so much and move on from so many things, but I just haven't fully healed yet. I don't want to disappoint you, I want to keep making you proud with the progress I'm making, but when it comes to my sister, I don't think I've made any progress with moving on ever since she passed"

Changbin had his forehead rested onto his palms, his elbows resting on his thighs as he finished talking. He was on the verge of tears, he was weak when it came to his sister and he hated himself for it. He didn't want Felix to ever know about this, but now it happened.

The younger didn't know what to say or do, he just sat there, listening as Changbin spoke up again. It was obvious the older hadn't talked about this topic in a long time. There was just so much that had been piling up and just needed to be let out.

"She was older than me. She was such a sweetheart, always honest and loyal. She had a pure heart, she would've never even hurt a fly. Smart to the point where I, the one who went to college, started feeling like an idiot. She had a funny personality and would always be there for you when you needed her. She was always there for me and I almost had no one when she died"

"Chaeyoung and I instantly connected in college because she reminded me of my sister. Me and her would always be together and she was always there for me. She was the one who kept me going when everything with Jackson happened. When my sister died, she didn't leave my side. She convinced me to leave Jackson, she opened my eyes and showed me how wrong he was treating me this whole time"

"My sister and Chaeyoung used to get along well too, and Chaeyoung had to go through hard times when my sister passed as well. Her death brought pain upon all of us and I hope it gave Jackson the satisfaction he needed"

By end of it, Changbin had a few tears running down his face. He quickly wiped them away, hearing Felix move to come and sit on the couch next to him.

He soon felt two arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders, pulling him close. Letting go of his previous position, he turned to the side a bit and hugged Felix back, nuzzling himself into the youngers neck.

It felt conforting to be held by someone, to receive love and be taken care of. He knew Felix could relate, since his parents both have passed already.

"I shouldn't have asked you about it, I'm sorry" Felix apologized, rubbing circles onto the olders back.

"I never knew you had to go through the pain of losing someone like that. I'm so sorry you had to let her go"

Changbin didn't say anything. He just sat there, letting himself get engulfed by the youngers beaming warmth as they were close to each other. Talking to Felix had stirred something inside him. It felt like everything that had been trapped deep down for so had finally found his way out of his body and was no longer eating at him.

The longer he was hugged by the younger, the more he was able to let go of that rope that felt like it had been wrapped around his neck to try and suffocate him. It was as if Felix was the one to hold a huge scissors and cut that rope in half, pulling it away from Changbins neck.

He was finally free. He finally talked about this and let it all out. Last time he talked about his sister was with Chan years ago, before the older had introduced Changbin to Felix. Ever since then Changbin had been trying to burry this topic under the ground, not realizing that it had to be let out onto the surface for it to be able to fly away and dissappear.

"Changbin, can you tell me what her name was?" Felix asked, his hand moving upwards to lace itself between Changbins hair as he moved it with care.

Changbin closed his eyes at the relaxing feeling, letting himself almost melt into the other "Byeol, her name was Byeol"

"Byeol means star doesn't it?"

The older just hummed in response, a picture of his sister forming infront of his closed eyes. She truly was always shining like a star.

"If I'm the sunshine, our friends are the planets and you're the universe, why can't your sister be the stars then?" Felix asked, making Changbin tear up again. This imagination was just so beautiful to him.

"That way she can always be with us" Felix continued, his hand never stopping the motion he was doing "I mean it's our ideal universe right? She can be our stars that are always around us"

Changbin held on a bit tighter as he nodded, keeping his tears in.

Felix stopped his hand between Changbins hair for a second, wanting to ask something but hesitated. Was he going too far by asking that? He was pretty curious but was it the right time to ask?

Changbin noticed and further rubbed his face into the youngers neck "ask me" he said "ask me anything. After today I will finally let go"

The younger couldn't help but smile a bit, continuing to move his hand.

"Would you mind showing me pictures of her?"

For a second the older didn't answer or move one bit and Felix instantly regretted even asking. He shouldn't have pushed further.

"I'll show you"


Sorry for the late update

I don't know if the real name of Changbins sister ever got revealed, so I used a name that was fitting for the story :)

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