Chapter 14

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{Third person}

Chaeyoung tried ignoring Felix's sobbing and desperate yelling, even if it broke her heart. She checked Changbins pulse when she came in, and even though it was light and almost not noticeable, it was there. There wasn't much she could do for Changbin, but she tried stopping the bleeding, praying for the ambulance to finally find them.

Chan tried calming Felix down, but he was yelling and screaming, crying like he has never before. He wasn't able to stand straight from his trembling legs and had to be supported by Chan.

The other boys were sitting in the living room, not knowing what to do without making things worse. Jeongin went up to them, crying a little himself, and explained what he knew, shocking them all as they never thought of Changbin going through things like that... even if they knew that he's good at hiding stuff.

Seungmin and Jisung were also tearing up, not believing this was true. It felt like a movie to them, unreal and not possible. Hyunjin and Minho held their boyfriends, hoping to calm them down, but the truth is, they were both trying not to cry and stay strong themselves. Hearing Felix's screams and begs, tore everyone in the house apart. They all knew Felix had already suffered too much in the month with Changbin away.. and now he might never come back.

The door then suddenly bursted opened, four men with a stretcher came inside. "Where is the patient?!" One of them asked the boys, and they all pointed into the same direction.

The men went inside, passing by Felix and Chan and walking up to Chaeyoung and Changbin.
"I'm Son Chaeyoung, I'm a nurse! We need to get him to the ICU as soon as possible! His pulse is weak, every second counts!" She explained to them as they carefully lifted the unconscious boy up to the strecher.

They rushed out, but quickly realized they wouldn't be able to get him out of the forest on a bed with wheels.
Carrying him would mean getting more bacteria into his cuts, and maybe hurting him even more.. but either that, or he'll die right there in that house on this stretcher. They had no choice, but to work with what was given to them in that situation.
All four men gently carried Changbins body out the house, with Chaeyoung following them. One of the men shouted the name of the hospital they were driving to, before all five hurried Changbin to the ambulance. Leaving seven devastated boys, a strecher and a bathroom filled with blood behind.

Felix was sobbing, shaking uncontrollably. He didn't listen to anyone. All he wanted was to have his boyfriend back, to hug him, to feel save in his arms. He felt guilty for not getting the hints and not helping the older. All the times Changbin was making slow movements, everytime he looked like he was in physical pain, everytime he looked like having a hard time walking. Earlier when he didn't want to try on the clothes with short sleeves, why didn't it make sense to Felix? Why didn't he realize? Why was be being so oblivious?
He blamed himself for not noticing, he blamed himself for pretending like everything was fine even though he knew Changbin was hurting somehow.

Almost everyone tried talking to Felix but with no results. Lastly, Chan asked Hyunjin to try it out since they had to rush to the hospital themselves.

Hyunjin walked up to Felix, he was sitting in the middle of the hallway, hugging his knees and crying the soul out of his body.

"Hey Felix, this is Hyunjin. I know this must be even harder for you than it is for all of us, but you have to collect all of your strength for us okay?"

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