Chapter 20

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{Third person}

The two boys went to their friends and helped them get off each other. Soon Chaeyoung arrived as well and sat down getting to know the boys. Minho, Chan and Chaeyoung all took random glances at Changbin from time to time, and he would always look back at them with a smile, as if nothing was going on.

They of course weren't stupid, they saw the fear in his eyes and even if they couldn't, the way he was holding Felix like he was protecting him already gave it off.

Sooner or later everyone had to leave but they hugged each other before they did so.
Chaeyoung and Changbin were now hugging and Chaeyoung decided to whisper something into his ear, praying it might help her friend out

"Bin, listen to me, I know this is hard for you, I know it is and you can't hide it from me no matter how often you smile or laugh. We've known each other for so long, you bet I can read you like a book. Drop the acting, tell me when you feel down, tell Chan, tell Minho. We're here for you, talk to us when things get too overwhelming. You also have Felix, he is your boyfriend Changbin, even if you still can't comprehend that yet, he loves you, he loves you so damn much. Don't you see the way he looks at you? He loves you more than anything else in his world. He's not like Jackson, not in any way possible. It's okey to feel loved and love someone back, promise me you'll tell him about everything soon okey? Also you seem very tired you should go to sleep"

Changbin smiled and nodded her way, getting a smile back from Chaeyoung before she, as the last person, headed out the door. Just after closing the door after her, Changbin turned around, only to see a mad Felix crossing his arms and glaring at him.

"Seo Chang-Bin!"


"Stop it Changbin! I'm serious, tell me what exactly happened that day or I'm gonna freak the hell out!"

Changbin went closer and closer to Felix until he was standing in front of him. All those thoughts he's been having since Chan talked to him were running after him no matter what he tried to do. One question, but no answer 'what if something happens to Felix?'
He tried not tearing up, but the tears fought their way through when he looked into the youngers eyes. There's no way he'd let someone hurt his angel.

Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, one hand on his waist and the other one on the back of his head, pulling him close.

Felix, as always, did not understand why Changbin was acting that way. He was holding Felix like a fragile piece of glass that could shatter at the slisest movement, protecting him in some kind of way, from some kind of danger Felix didn't even know existed.



Changbin squeezed Felix' body and let out a sigh of frustration and at the feeling of being hemmed in, "promise me that no matter how hard things get, no matter how alone or scared you feel, no matter how hopeless the situation seems, that you will never give up and that you know that I love you"

"Binnie what are you talking about?"

"Please Lix, just promise you won't believe what anyone says and just know that I'm coming to save you from the situation you're in"

Felix did not know how to react being the confused person he is, so he just gave in "okay, I promise"

Hearing his boyfriends words helped Changbin with convincing himself that nothing is going to happen anyway and that he could keep the younger save.
He buried his head into Felix's neck holding him as close as possible "I love you Felix, I love you so damn much and I want you to always remember that, no matter what"

"I will, I love you too"

"If you want to know about the thing with the mirror, do you remember that one big scar you saw on my arm earlier?"

"Y-yes what about it?"

"Well I didn't know broken mirrors could cut your fucking arm in half but I found out that day and almost fainted because of the blood that I lost, but I managed to stop the bleeding myself before heading for the forest"

Felix pulled away and looked at Changbin shocked "how can you say it this casually?"

"I don't know, but please tell me you're not mad at me"

An evil grin formed on Felix's face "I'm not, but only under one condition"

"Oh god n-"

"I want you to sing for me"

"Lix I'm a rapper"

"Your voice is beautiful stop pretending like it's not, sing me to sleep or you'll move out alone"

"What the fuck, you don't have an option anyway, you have to move with me"

Felix crossed his arms and playfully pouted at Changbin with big innocent puppy eyes

"Okey fine I'll sing you something, whatever"

They got ready for bed, putting on their Pyjamas, brushing their teeth, doing skin care. They decided on sleeping in Chans old room since they weren't able to enter both of their rooms.. and Chans big bed is a bonus.

Both laid down next to each other and Felix demanded a whole song, not just a few lines. Changbin gave in after a few arguments and just decided to give his boyfriend what he wanted. He held Felix and started repeatedly running one hand through his hair while he sang a song at a slow pace with his soft singing voice

"You are the sunshine of my life
That's why I'll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you'll stay in my heart

I feel like this is the beginning
Though I've loved you for a million years
And if I thought our love was ending
I'd find myself drowning in my own tears

You are the sunshine of my life
That's why I'll always stay around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you'll stay in my heart

You must have known that I was lonely
Because you came to my rescue
And I know that this must be Heaven
How could so much love be inside of you?

You are the sunshine of my life, yeah
That's why I'll always stay around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you'll stay in my heart, yeah

You are the sunshine of my life, baby
That's why I'll always stay around"

Felix was smiling uncontrollably the whole time, feeling loved and happy that Changbin picked out a song somehow related to them. He took in each line and each sound, his eyes getting heavier at the comfortable feeling of his boyfriend running his hand through his hair, quickly falling asleep after the second verse.

Changbin smiled at the sleeping boy in his arms, hoping he understands that every word in that song what meant for him. Soon he managed to push his thoughts away and drift to sleep himself.


A bit of fluff cause you'll be missing that the next chapters...sorry :)

Also if you were wondering, thats an actual song I found on google it's called 'you are the sunshine of my life' from Stevie Wonder

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