chapter 25

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{Felix pov}

I was abruptly woken up by someone aggressivly shaking me.

"Wake up kid, I have something for you"

Opening my eyes, I saw that same woman from yesterday? A few hours ago? A couple days ago? I didn't know how much time had passed, not even the slightest. Last time I was conscious I felt like I was dying so..

I looked at her with numb eyes, waiting for her to tell me what's on our torture schedule today.

She took an ipad out of the bag she was carrying, putting in over 5 passwords until she was able to get access to the device.

I couldn't see much since I was sitting on that chair and she was standing, but maybe I didn't even want to see what was on there.

There wasn't anything I wanted to do anymore.

"You were unconscious for three days" she started as she was looking for something.

I don't know if she was expecting an answer or not, but I clearly couldn't talk with my mouth being taped shut. Neither my body nor my mind had any reaction to her sentence.

I mean.

I might as well stay unconscious forever.

"Remember what I told you last time?"

I looked to the opposite side of her and nodded. How could I forget?

"I'll repeat it again in case you forgot"

No, please no. I shook my head at a fast pace. I don't want to hear it all over again.
But who even am I.
As if she would listen to me.
She just went on.

"Changbin doesn't love you"
"He never did"
"You're just a burden to him"
"Always crying. Always complaining"
"Always wanting attention"
"Don't you think that's annoying?"
"He had enough of you"

My eyes started getting watery after hearing everything again. Am I really this annoying to be around?

"Good thing Changbin decided to work with us"
"He wanted to have an excuse so he could leave you and start over with someone else"
"So we helped him"
"He even asked me to show you this video"

Tears were already uncontrollably running down my face... then that video.

That damn video.

It destroyed me.

It ripped my heart apart.


Am I this worthless?

Am I this easy to just throw away and replace?

Looking at the screen of that tablet, I saw a video of Changbin and Hyunjin.

Changbin was holding Hyunjins face in the most gentle way possible. He was caressing his cheek.. and their lips were moving in sync together.

They were kissing so smoothly, so untroubled like no one was watching.

The more I watched, the more tears ran down my face, and the more pain I felt.

Changbin opened his eyes and looked at Hyunjins closed ones. He smiled into their kiss before closing his eyes again and pulling Hyunjin closer, kissing him more deeply.

I had enough, I couldn't watch this anymore.

I turned my head to the other side, not wanting to watch anymore of this.
Crying wasn't going to change anything right? It won't un-do what Changbin did, I know that, but why wasn't I able to stop then?

Did it hurt even more because it was Hyunjin? The one I was always jealous of for being so close to Changbin?

My whole body was aching, my mind went blanc. Everything she told me was true. She was right and the proof was that video.

So everytime Changbin said he loved me, it was a lie.

Everytime he would tell me he wouldn't leave my side, was a lie.

The way he would always hold me was just a facade.

And all those kisses didn't mean anything to him. Each time he would kiss me like there was no one else for him, the way our lips fit perfectly together, how they'd move flawlessly with each other.. all of that was fake.

He even pretended to get kidnapped so he could cheat on me like this? He made them almost suffocate me, just so he can get with Hyunjin?

I cried and cried and cried. And that woman just went outside the room as if there wasn't a broken boy infront of her.

It hurt so bad. That pain was nothing like any other pain in this world.

I loved... no.. I love him so much. He owns my heart, he's everything I have. He's my home, my safe place, my everything.

He's the only one that makes me feel alive and free. The way he looks at me, his expression full of love, it made me want to live on and show him my love as well.

The way he says my name, the way he calls me sunshine, it fills my stomach with butterflies every single time.

His smile fills my heart with happiness, his happiness is my happiness.

But now it changed.

My pain is his happiness.


Okey I know no one's reading this, but if there is at least one person lmao, could you pls tell me how it is to read the story?

Like, is it annoying, too slow, too fast, does it even make sense, do you understand everything etc?

I feel bad for Felix :(
He doesn't deserve this :(

Btw I'm currently writing the 45th chapter of this story and I also started a new book. It's a Minsung story :)

Alright have a nice day bubs :)

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