Chapter 79

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Time passes by fast when you're with someone you love. You're having fun, enjoying life, making memories together and without you knowing it, a whole year passes by.

Felix and Changbin were still happily together, just like their other friends. Of course they had a few small fights, but nothing big and they would always talk it out in the end.

They got closer to Oliver and Andre and they would meet up regularly.

Not to forget their weekly reunions that were never canceled. It was important for each one of them to see everyone at least once a week and they were more than ready to make time for that meet up.

Though Changbin still had a problem. It was like there was still something he had to do to finally be able to settle down and let go of that uneasy feeling.

Only problem was, he didn't know what that something was. He just had this uneasy feeling that something was still out of order.

However he did realize what that something was after being on Chans and Jeongins wedding a few months ago and after seeing Hyunjin propose to Seungmin.

He freaking had to marry Felix.

And he was already making plans.

He arranged a meet up with Hyunjin and Chan since these two already have experience when it comes to this.

Right now they were sitting in Changbins house on one of the couches, brainstorming a bit. Seungmin had dragged Felix out to go shopping with him so he wasn't in the house.

"So, I chose the park because it was where me and Jeongin had our first date"

"And I chose the beach because it was where me and Seungmin had met"

"Yeah, you need to find a place that's important for you two" Chan lastly added, Changbin thinking hard.

"Well... i don't know.." Changbin sighed, playing with the hem of his shirt, being nervous. He promised to propose to Felix a long time ago and even challenged him to propose first. He couldn't help but feel uneasy since he's been noticing Felix acting suspicious lately and he can't have him propose first.

"Uhm.. idiot, did you forget about the forest?" Hyunjin chuckled, Changbin being too nervous to see the obvious.

"Oh.. yeah right, forgot about that, sorry"

"It's alright, both of us were nervous too" Chan reassured, giving Changbin a warm smile.

Changbin smiled back and sighed "The forest sounds amazing to me, just, how do I do everything else?"

"First, you need a ring, that's the most important thing and second, you need to pick out a theme, preferably something you both love, something that connects you" Hyunjin talking, Chan nodding in agreement with every sentence.

"A ring.." Changbin mumbled under his breath, thinking about what kind of a ring Felix would like as well as what theme he should pick.

"Oh my god!" Changbin sprung up, getting the idea of his life, making the others next to him jump in their places in shock.

"Jeez, what is it Bin, you scared us?" Chan chuckled.

"Stars, the sun, planets, the universe, that's freaking it!"

Hyunjin and Chan both tilted their heads to the side, it was a nice theme but how was he going to implement it?

"That's a good idea and it connects you two, but how are going to use this?" Hyunjin asked, curious.

"I don't know honestly"
"But how about a ring with a star shaped diamond or something?"
"Would that work or does it seem too weird?" Changbin walked back and forth, thinking loudly, his friends just laughing a little at him.

"Don't worry it's not, it's a nice way of using this actually"

"Oh oh, we could hang very small LED lights up on the trees around the whole lake to make it look like small stars. You should propose at night too so it looks even better" Chan added, Changbin loving the idea.

"I once saw led lights that were spheres, looking like planets and they had lights on the inside. They look amazing once you turn them on in the darkness, like glowing planets" Hyunjin mentioned getting excited.

"Wait, we could hang those up too to make it look like stars and planets" Changbin exclaimed, looking at the two.

"It's settled then" Chan chuckled, Hyunjin smiling too.

"Don't worry Hyung, you got this" Hyunjin also reassured. Changbin thanked him and just as they changed the topic to talk about something else, they heard the door unlock.

"We're back!" They heard Seungmin shout.

"There better be food on the table that's ready to be eaten!" Felix followed, pulling his shoes off.

"Oh shoot, forgot to cook" Changbin panicked and ran into the kitchen before Felix could enter the living room and see him. Hyunjin and Chan just laughed at him and greeted the two boys, pretending like nothing had happened.

"Hey Lix" Chan started, Felix frowning a bit at him.

"No hyung, don't even try distracting me, bet Changbin didn't cook?" He said in a slightly angry tone, but with a pout plastered onto his face, making Chan chuckle.

"Don't know Felix, go check yourself" he laughed.

Felix' pout only got more prominent as he nodded and headed for the kitchen. Once he arrived, he stood by the door, Changbin not noticing him yet.

He watched the older ran around, throwing stuff into the pot. It looked like he was making some kind of soup with meat on the side.

Changbin quickly sliced the chicken into messy, uneven pieces, sprinkling random seasonings ontop, then adding a little bit of oil and rubbing it onto the slices. He did everything messyily and quickly, mumbling words under his breath.

"Gosh, Felix must be really hungry and food's not even ready yet"
"I'm sorry baby, I promise I'll hurry up"

Felix smiled as he kept listening, watching as Changbin placed the pieces of chicken onto the hot pan, a semi loud sizzling sound filling the room. He grabbed the ladle from the counter, going to stirr the red soup.

"Gosh, can't you cook faster?!" Changbin huffed, flipping the meat on the pan to the other side.

"Ugh I'm so sorry Lix"

Felix smiled and quietly walked up behind Changbin who was still panicking, trying to finish before Felix gets to the kitchen, not knowing that the boy had been watching him for the past few minutes.

As Felix arrived behind the older, he slowly slung his arms around his boyfriends waist, back hugging him. Changbin slightly jumped at the sudden contact, mentally scolding himself for not being done yet.

"Don't apologize Binnie"

"But aren't you hungry or mad?"

"I am hungry and I was mad, but not anymore"

Changbin turned around and grabbed Felix' wrists, guiding his arms up to his neck and placing his own hands onto the boys slim waist. He leaned in, giving him a quick peck.

"Why not anymore?"

"Cause I saw how much you cared about making me food, and you probably just got carried away talking to Chan and Hyunjin so you forgot to start cooking"

Changbin internaly chuckled, remembering what they were talking about, getting excited but nervous at the same time. He just couldn't wait to call Felix his husband, but would Felix even say yes, or did he change his mind?

"Thanks for understanding Sunshine" Changbin smiled, leaning in to give Felix another kiss, this time holding it for a little longer, his grip around the boy tightening.

They pulled away after a bit and Felix looked at him a little worryingly "is everything alright Bin?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Yes everything is great, did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" Changbin smiled and turned around to the food again, making sure it was fine and not burned.

Felix just stood there, blushing "you did.."

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