chapter 5

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This one is kinda long.....
But I tried to chapters less than 1800 words... it's just hard sometimes lmao

K, enjoy :)

Felix pov

I couldn't say no to him, even though I really didn't want to go outside. No one can say no to Jeongin's face.
Both of us grabbed our keys and phones after getting ready and headed outside to the park

On our way there, we casually talked about many different subjects. Upon arriving, we looked for a free bench and both sat down next to each other

"Felix I have to talk to you about this Changbin situation"

"Mmh..." I answered looking down to my lap

"I know how much you love Changbin-hyung, I know how much you miss him, I know how broken you are. I can see it Felix. And I can't deal with it. I hate seeing you like this, you haven't smiled in weeks and the shine in your eyes disappeared. Happy Felix disappeared when Changbin-hyung did... and I want them both back"

"I'm sorry Innie I- I wish I could do something about it"

"No you can't... but I can"

"What are you planning Innie?"

"I know where Changbin-hyung is"


"Earth to Felix, are you still in there" he said, waving his hand in front of my face to make me come back to reality. I couldn't believe what he just said

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS?!" I answered, jumping out if my seat

"Exactly what I said ... I know where he's been for the past weeks. Me and Chan knew from the first day but we couldn't tell you ... and still can't but you might completely lose yourself if you don't see him again, I just have to tell you"

"YOU GUYS KNEW WHERE HE IS FROM THE START BUT LET ME SUFFER ALL THESE WEEKS?!" I unintentionally raised my voice, standing in front of him as I started to tear up again. They.. they knew where he is? I can't believe I'm finally getting some information about where he is.

He looked down before continuing with what he wanted to say "I'm sorry. We had our reasons. I didn't even let Chan know that I'm telling you this, he wouldn't approve of it, wich is why I didn't want anyone to know where we're going"

"But why. WHYY? why wouldn't my best friend tell me where Changbin had been all this time? Why didn't you guys tell me from the beginning? Or at least tell me if he's fine or not"

"Changbin asked us not to tell anyone. Chan tried so hard to convince him to come back but he refused, wich explains why Chan looked this exhausted on the first day we visited you. Not even I was allowed to know where he is, but Chan isn't really good at keeping secrets from his boyfriend. I feel bad for breaking his trust and telling you this, but I know how important it is for you to see Changbin now"

"Changbin didn't want to see me...?" I said as I sat back down on the bench, trying as hard as possible to hold back my tears. I don't know if wanted to cry because of happiness or sadness, I just had to, but I held back my tears.

"That's not it. You'll find out yourself when you visit him, I already sent you the adress before leaving the house"

"You did?" I asked while pulling my phone out of my pocket and checking for new messages. And there i found an an address. I read the name of the place and-
"Jeongin? Are you sure this is the right address? Thats in the middle of nowhere, not even in seoul"

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