Chapter 71

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"Hey" the unknown boy started, looking mostly at Felix, ignoring Changbin completely.

The older of the two just didn't say anything, trying not to freak out. That guy seriously had the audacity to come up to their table and talk to them.

Felix knew what this guy was doing, but being the nice person he is, he just greeted back.

The boy slowly took Felix' hand which was resting onto the table into his own, putting the small piece of paper onto his palm, before bending Felix' fingers closed so the paper was firmly held in his hand.

"I couldn't stop taking my eyes off of you, you look gorgeous. That's my number so you can hit me u–"

The boy couldn't even fully finish his sentence, when he felt someone grab his shirt and harshly pull him away from Felix.

Changbin had grabbed him by his collar and pushed him back. His eyes dark and anger written all over his face.

"Are you fucking serious?!"
"You literally saw us kissing and you still have the nerve to hit on him? And at that right infront of me?!"

Fear was plastered all over the guys face. Changbin was fit and had a strong body, he could've easily broken his nose or even more.

Changbins arms alone were really eye catching and big, he seriously was no joke when it came to arm strength.

The boy looked at Changbins arms, trying to find something which could get him out of the situation he was in. He just kept staring at Changbins t-shirt and arms, until he actually found something, making him smirk.

"What are you smirking for huh?!" Changbin shook him again, literally ready to punch that smirk off of his face.

Felix on the other hand was just watching from the side the whole time. He did see Changbin furious a few times and he knew how scary he can be. People were already looking and he hated the fact that Changbin probably seemed like the bad guy to people who didn't know what was going on.

He didn't want to cause more of a scene so when he saw Changbin reaching out his arm, ready to punch that guy, he jumped up and quickly held his arm before he could do anything.

"Changbin stop! It's not worth it"

"Can't you see what he's doing Felix–?"

Changbins and Felix' heads then turned away from each other and to the boy, when they heard him literally scoffing.

"Tsk, if you were confident in your relationship, you wouldn't get mad like this"
"Besides" he started, pushing Changbins hand off of his shirt "He deserves better than some emo guy like you" he continued, eying Changbins arms.

With that the boy put his hands into the pockets of his pants and turned around, starting to walk to his friends who were standing by the door, waiting for him to join them.

All that they were lastly able to hear was a low "freak" before the boy arrived at his friends group and everyone walked away.

Changbin stood there dumbfounded, his heart beating at a rapid pace. Adrenaline still overflowing in his body and his heart aching.

He felt dizzi and he regretted even going outside today. It had taken him until mid-summer before he was confident enough to wear a t-shirt. He was ashamed of the scars he had and after many pep-talks from Felix, he finally decided to wear something that reveals his arms today, but that was obviously a mistake.


Felix put his hand on Changbins shoulder who just stood there, regretting every decision he made today.

"Changbin please don't listen to–"

"I told you"

"No Changbi–"

"I told you I should just keep my long sleeved stuff on"

"Don't listen to hi–"

"No he's right" Changbin moved to grab his jacket which was hung around his chair "You deserve someone better than a freak like me"

Changbin started walking to the entrance of the restaurant, then exited the building, seeing the group of boys from afar, they were thankfully walking into the opposite direction.

Felix ran behind to catch up with the older as he was making huge steps, putting his jacket on simultaneously.
Once he finally arrived by his side, catching up with him, he immediately noticed the tears running down his face.

It broke Felix' heart seeing him like that again. Over the last months he had made so much progress. Last time Felix saw him actually down, was when they talked about his sister, and that was about two months ago.

It was summer now and Felix had been building up Changbins confidence over the past weeks for him to wear something that showed his arms and now all that confidence was broken down just by a few words.

"Felix I told you" He said between tears, still walking really fast, just wanting to get home and burry himself in his bed "he's right and it hurts. I know you deserve so much better and it hurts me to know that I will never be good enough for you. I got jealous easily because I saw how good looking he was. He was tall and had a decent body, his hair was black and pretty, he was practically the definition of your type and I knew he could easily replace me. And what if I really am the insecure one in our relationship? It just hurts me knowing you'll grow tired of my mental state and just leave for someone better. I don't blame you, someone like you deserves better. I'm not qualified to be your boyfriend. Gosh how am I supposed to finally propose to you when I know you'd have to spend your life with someone like me. All of this was just a mista–"

Changbin was finally cut off when Felix placed his palm onto his mouth, standing infront of him to make him stop walking.

"Jeez will you shut up already?" Felix said, breathing a little heavily since he was trying to walk at Changbins pace this whole time.

"Will you stop talking bullshit or?" He continued, wiping Changbins tears away with his hand.

"What even are you saying? Changbin. Hey. Listen to me" he looked into the olders now red eyes. He may seem strong on the outside, but Felix really knew how much he was still struggling on the inside.

"Alright fine, he was handsome and he did give me his number, but so what? I already have the guy I never dreamed of even having by my side. Changbin you have to stop this nonsense. You know you're the only one for me, I told you're my everything and I meant it. What that guy said was not true, don't believe his shit"

Felix finished talking and leaned in to give Changbin a kiss, gently cupping his cheeks with both of his hands. He held it for a few seconds before pulling away.

"If there were words more powerful than 'I love you', you bet I would use them. I love you Changbin"

Changbin weakly smiled and intertwined his hands with Felix' "yeah, I love you too.."

Felix smiled back and both of them slowly started walking again, hands still interlocked with each other.

"Also" Felix started "If you don't propose, I will. So don't think you'll manage to get away from me"

That statement made Changbin laugh, giving Felix butterflies at his favorite sound. He loved Changbins laughs.

"I dare you to propose to me before I propose to you" was all Changbin lastly said, before both of them peacefully walked home.

He really was trying to forget they boys' words.

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