𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱 : the day by the river

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It was uncomfortable as we checked out our items. Shivers crawled up my spine like icy finger tips, and my eyes darted around the room every few seconds. I had no idea why I was so unsettled. My gut just felt twisted in itself, sitting restlessly inside me.

But there wasn't much I could do really. I had to just stay close to those I was with and everything would turn out fine. I anxiously tugged on the soft wool hat on my head, making sure it stayed down. Eventually I put my hoodie over my head as well, feeling scarcely unsettled as we walked out of the store.

Minho and Nezi were chatting lightheartedly, though I was stuck to my significant other like glue. I held onto his arm nervously as I surveyed the area. Quietly, I decided I'd wait until the two found a pause in their conversation before I whispered to Minho my growing concern.

As we slowly made our way back to Nezi's house, inching farther and farther away from the store, We entered into a slimmer walk way. It wasn't much of an alley per say, but it was a cement pathway between two rather tall, thick, white diamond fences that closed off four different properties. The place was dimly lit by flickering streetlights, and backyard porch lights belonging to those houses on the other sides of the fences.

But that's when I felt it. My stomach urging me, like a huge red flag. A blaring alarm, if you will. It shouted at me to make a run for it, or at least get a decent distance away. Though there was absolutely no explanation as of why I felt such an unease return, I hesitated none to tug on Minho's tone arm.

"Min?" My voice was softer than I'd hoped as I pulled at his sleeve. "Minho?" I tried to be a bit louder, as I was suddenly starting to panic.

There was a light thud coming from behind us, causing my brain and thought process to freeze. My body doing the same.

At this point Minho had taken notice of my sudden change in motion, and he stopped to look down at me. "Yes Jisung? Are you okay?" He looked concerned all of a sudden.

foot steps suddenly blew past and into my newly acquired keen ears, alarming me further. In almost every situation of this sort, you wouldn't pause and look back out of pure fear and curiosity, but again, I'm not exactly the brightest.

Though when I turned around, cranking my neck in the direction of the eerie sound, I was utterly taken  aback. Suddenly I wasn't frightened shitless. In fact, I was astonished.

Crimson hair caught my attention first.

Then Raven hair stole my gaze.

I registered familiar gray spotted ears, and pitch black midnight ones followed.

Both had dark, hidden eyes. Their hands stuffed in their sweater pockets, and shoulders tense, yet somehow creepily relaxed.

"I see you three ditched early. Didn't expect to see you in this part of town, Minho." The taller spoke out.

It was two male figures, both grossly familiar.

Minho's eyes suddenly shot open. He'd recognized that voice. And it seemed so had Nezira. Her pretty brown ears perked up, her eyebrows furrowing in a somewhat disgusted expression.

The two turned on their heels, processing the two men standing at least ten meters away. Though they were approaching fast.

"Hmph. I'll have to say the same to you. How was the visit with nadi, Rio." Minho's tone was rather venomous, laced with ice and irritation.

"Oh it was great, thank you very much." Rio shrugged lazily, sighing. His scarlet haired companion that seemed to trial behind him no matter where he went, was just next to him as always. Though blue showed absolutely no emotion, nor expression. He seemed a bit bland, and blank in the moment.

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