𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 : mixed emotions

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School's return had come faster than imagined.

Spring break had now ceased, and the final quarter of our school year was to begin. Three months left. Maybe even less. Spring was now amidst us, and summer well on its way.

Though right now, in this moment, I was nervous. Nervous because my ears were fully developed. And there was no way in hell I could avoid this now. My friends were pretty much still in the dark as to what had happened to me, and the other three who left that night without a word.

But, on the bright side, I was home. And that meant I was with my sister again. Chanmi Han.

And uh, she reacted slightly better than I imagined.

My mother on the other had, was rather irritated at first and said some things she didn't mean. My sister actually thought I looked cuter than before, and made it a point to comfort me upstairs in my room once my mother was finished with her agitated, over protective mommy rant.

Though my mother did apologize to me later that night. She'd said that her reaction was unnecessary, and that what's done is done. So she hugged me, and told me she'd love me no matter what. I cried, yes. But happy tears.

"I've been so bored by myself I'm so excited to see everyone again!" My sister jumped up and down, swinging our hands in the air. Oh, had I mentioned she refused to let go of my hand since we left the house ten minutes ago?

I hadn't talked to anyone aside from Minho and Nezi for the past few days, and was awkwardly excited to pop in and say hello to all the others.

"Hey Sungie?" My sister called softly.

"Yes Mi?" I answer happily, my eyes quietly directing to her small body.

"What do you think they'll say?" Chanmi spoke blatantly. Nothing to back it up, nothing to come next. So I assumed she was talking about my friends. Those who had no idea what I was yet to show to them.

In all honesty, it was like what I felt back when the whole potion ordeal went on. Except now, it was permanent. And it was painfully obvious a specific someone still cared a bit excessively about Minho's every move.

I assume you know who.

"Dunno." I answered quietly.


Now within the noise-filled halls, many odd and almost favorable memories came flooding back. Not sure why it seemed like such a long time since I'd been here. It was just a few weeks ago, nothing more. Yet, it feels so far away.

"Hey." A soft, raspy, tired voice breezed passed me.

I flinched, my sister getting scared alongside me. But I soon came to realize who it was. Familiar sapphire ears, and big black orbs. Big, happy eyes, and soft, tender smile.

"Minho." I smiled up at him, suddenly calmer. My stomach settled and I felt a little less vulnerable.

"Morning! I haven't got to see everyone in awhile, but I'm glad I got to you first." My sister spoke up towards my boyfriend, a knowing look on her face when she shifted her eyes towards me.

Ah, the teasing. Forgot about that.

He laughed quietly, "nice to see you too Chanmi."

She giggled, straightening out her uniform.

Though when I looked back at Minho, I sensed an almost timidness emitting from him. His aura was less playful and devilish. It seemed to be tinged with fear, and unease. Maybe even regret.

vanilla ⤹ 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now