𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 : Meri

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After a few good minutes of consoling the older, he had finally pulled himself together.

I felt his grip loosening, not entirely realizing how tight he was holding my waist.

"You okay?" I murmured, hoping he'd hear.

He nodded, smiling.

"I'm sorry. I must've scared you." He averted his gaze.

"No it's alright." I lifted his chin, "I got to comfort you, so I'm more giddy than I should be." I confessed, scratching my head awkwardly.

He chuckled, taking my hand out of a nervous fidgeting habit.

But I didn't say anything, just watched him. I wouldn't mind either way.

He placed my small hand in his palm, running his free hand down my thumb to my wrist.

He seems to take a deep breath, "You said something to me before I had that little episode."

I froze. "I-It was just a question y-you don't have to-"

"No, I can tell you meant it. But, why would you want that?" He spoke soft and quiet.

I hesitated.

"I just. . . want to understand more. And if I'm completely pouring out my feelings then, you know I've been a 'werewolf' twice now." I gave air quotations with my free hand. "I always feel so much safer like this. I feel. . . right. But when I change back to a human, I feel out of place or vulnerable. I also. . . feel closer to you like this. And that's what I want. . ."

Minho looked at me with blank eyes, his cheeks puffed just a little as he thought.

"I need you to think hard about it for a while. Make sure you're certain that's what you want." He paused, taking a breath, "In the mean time, I'll um. . . Think about it."

I was stunned.

He was really willing to do this?

"Min you're sure you're okay to do that? That panick attack sort of made me nervous." I confessed.

"Yeah I would normally be, I just need to make sure I can think clearly if that time should come." He uttered. "I care for you so much jiji, so there's something I want you to know about being. . . turned."

I kept quiet, waiting to hear.

"That process, is extremely painful. You're bones are quite literally going to break and reform."

I gasped quietly, bitting my lip. "Okay."

"Okay?!" His voice went a bit louder.

I flinched, hesitantly nodding.

His eyes looked teary again.

"W-Wait, min don't cry! W-What did I say?!" I panicked for the fifth time in that last hour.

He kept silent, just lifted his hand to my cheek.

"I just. . ." He murmured, seemingly trying to keep from having another breakdown. "I don't think I can handle watching you in pain because of me. . ."

My eyes went wide.

And suddenly, I wanted to cry too. He was upset because he didn't want to hurt me?

I don't deserve him.

Without thinking, I pressed my lips to Minho's.

I just wanted to kiss him all of a sudden.

I shifted, interlocking my left hand with his.

He didn't fight one bit, kissing back slowly.

"You're so precious to me." He pursed our lips, breathily speaking before sliding his tongue in my mouth.

I had to fight the urge to smile, instead humming sweetly.

Our position was a little awkward, so he tried to move.

Accidentally pressing on my inner thigh, he earned a quiet wince from me. Though I didn't stop kissing.

In fact, I actually bit his lip.

He gasped a little, smirking ever so slightly before pulling away.

I whined at the loss of warmth on my lips, though a string of saliva connected our mouths as our tongues chased one last touch.

He chuckled, using his sleeve to wipe my lip, then his.

I looked away, embarrassed.

The older only let out a happy breath, returning to the analyzation of my hand he had stopped a few minutes prior.

Again, I didn't argue one bit.

He moved up, rubbing over my knuckles.

I giggled slightly. It tickled a little, but it also felt nice.

Then it sort of dawned on me.

I never really understood why he's been wanting to touch me so much recently.

Maybe something to do with the mating. . . process?

I flushed a little thinking about it.

Minho was now tapping the pads of my fingers with his own, smiling to himself.

"What is it with you and constantly wanting skinship?" I half joked.

Shrugging, he answered:

"I just want to be near you." He murmured, his expression changing to this cute focused one.

Feeling a big smile tugging at the corners of my mouth, I sighed in content.

I honestly didn't want this moment to end. It was so comfortable and safe when I'm around him.

And if I'm telling the truth, when Minho touches me, no matter if it's a small or noticeable touch, I melt. I feel safe, and warm.

But I had no control over what was about to happen.

Not that I was complaining, because it would be absolutely wonderful for Soyi.

A loud grunt of pain, followed by a light thud, was heard from the living room.

Minho and I exchanged looks, quickly scrambling to our feet.

"Oh my goodness Ms. Soyi what's—" Nezi was panicking a little, not sure what to do.

When we entered the room, it was apparent that Soyi had this churned expression of pain on her face.

"Momma, what's wrong?" Minho seemed nervous all of a sudden.

"T-The baby. . ." She spoke through a clenched jaw, "She's coming!"

Baby meriii! Also sorry for the short chapter :(

So uh,,, possibly smut coming soon?
I haven't wrote smut before so let's see if my knowledge of reading it pays off?
So you horny bitches will be fed smfh

vanilla ⤹ 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now