𝐎𝐧𝐞 : Prey

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"God this is hopeless!" I let out a harsh groan, holding my face in my shaky hands. Sliding down the surface of a nearby locker, I held my legs close to my chest. 

Subconsciously I began holding my breath.

It had been around fifteen minutes since I was supposed to be in homeroom, but the thing is, I have absolutely no idea how to find my class.

"This is the worst possible thing to be happening right now." I grumbled as I held myself, rocking back and forth as all kinds of worries ran though my head.

Just count to ten. You'll be fine.

It was silent for a good while as I drowned myself in thoughts I probably shouldn't have, endeavoring to find more problems and no solutions. 

"Hey, are you okay?" A quiet voice filled my ears.

I froze, eyes growing wide as I took in the presence of this figure hovering over me.

Realizing I had yet to answer, I forced out words that came out almost completely inaudible. "N-No."

It took a moment of brain power, but I deducted that it's a boy speaking to me.

"Why are you out here? Are you new?" He asked, his tone very sweet. Though his voice was fairly deep.

I looked up a bit, noticing the boy had crouched down in front of me. His hair was a pretty silver, looking like he didn't bother with styling today. His face was cute, not at all matching his voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked again.

a pause. 

"I'm lost." I say quietly, my voice fluctuating.

He seemed to smile.

"My name is Felix, I'm a sophomore here. I was out running errands for my homeroom teacher, but I'm glad to help you find your class." His smile was bright. Something like a heart melting, pretty boy smile. His eyes shaped themselves into soft crescents, and his cheeks turning a pretty pink. "Mind if I see your schedule?"

Slowly lifting my hand, the small neatly folded paper appeared in my palm. The boy carefully took it, his hand softly brushing mine.

He gently opened the piece of paper, his eyes focusing on the small writing.

"Oh! This is my homeroom too!" He looked surprised. "C'mon! I'll show you!" The boy named Felix held out his hand, his lips forming a childish smile once more.

I looked down at his hand for a second, debating whether or not to accept his help.

I huffed, slipping my shaky hand into his grasp

Felix gently pulled me to my feet, almost as if he knew to be extra careful with me. Like I'd shatter if he was to rough. 

And to be honest, maybe that was true.

"Let's go." He grinned, starting down the hall.

He moved swiftly down twists and turns, navigating the halls entirely from memory. And to me, right now, that was difficult. Props to him.

Turns out the class was on the complete other side of the hall, which was tremendously far off. This school is huge, and I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to remember the layout.

vanilla ⤹ 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now