𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨 : sorry babe, it aint a secret

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"Jisung! Chanmi!"

Two familiar voices called out to my sister and I as we shut the front door on our way out.

I whipped my head around, A happy smile on my face.

"Lix! Hyunjin!" I giggled, meeting the two half way.

I engulfed them in a big hug, finding myself smiling ever so bright.

"I missed you guys." I blurted, not even realizing.

Felix chuckled, a smile of adoration on his face. "I missed you too bubs."

"Same here." Hyunjin took his hand out of his pocket, patting my head.

I squirmed happily, not really sure why I was so excited to see the two of them.

Well, they are my best friends.

Today I was back to human, just like any other normal day. And the others seemed to be a little more at ease because of it.

That made me feel some type of way in all honesty.

I swayed back an forth, listening to hyunjin.

Though Felix furrowed his eyebrows for the slightest second before holding in a smug smile.

I looked at his a little confused.

He just subtly shook his head, his eyes giving me this knowing look.

that confused me slightly more, but I just sort of shrugged it off.

"Hey guys—sorry to ruin the mood but we have ten minutes before first bell!" Chanmi shouted, checking her phone.

"Oh shit," Hyunjin let out a laugh.

Felix and I did the same.

"Come on!" I grabbed my sister's arm, dragging her with us.

She yelped, laughing as she tried to keep up.

Chanmi was the only person I was significantly stronger than, but that's my only accomplishment in life.

My mother on the other hand. . . holy shit.

She gets these random bursts of energy that give her some kind of super human mom strength. It's tiring.

The four of us arrived at school just shallow of being late for the first bell.

"Bye hyunjin! Bye Chanmi!" I struggled to wave the two off as Felix had some how managed to swing me around and latch onto my bag.

"We're gonna be late!" The older protested, dragging me into homeroom class.

The latter sat me down, plopping in his own seat.

"Really?" I deadpanned, arms folded.

"Yes baby, really." Felix retorted, sticking his tongue out.

I sassed him quietly to myself, sliding my bag onto the floor.

Ms. K entered the room, a huge stack of papers in her hand.

"Alright! These papers are for a school Field trip we'll be having over the break!" She started, catching everyone's attention. "So! We'll be going to a lodge up in the mountains, if you'd like to attend I'll need these form signed by the Wednesday before break begins. Are we clear?"

A chorus of excited "yes!"s rang through the room.

Felix and I looked at each other, a little impressed.

"You going?" He asked, his head lying on his sweater pillow.

"I might." I sighed, laying on my arms to level with him.

"I'll only go if the whole group is going. Or well, half at least." Felix sighed.

"Alright then, I'll go if you and Minho go." I stated.

"Minho?" Felix cocked an eyebrow, like he had found the perfect time to pick my brain.

I felt my ears heat, "yes?"

"You've been really attached to him recently." Lix didn't hide his smug expression this time.

I hid my face in my hands for a second, Minho's words from last night playing in my head:

"well, you need to tell your friends that we're dating first. Then we can move on."

I sulked.

I guess now is the perfect time to tell Felix.

"I um," I started a little nervous. "He and I wanted to tell everyone this, but he is coming late today for his own reasons. So I'm just going to tell you first." I was a little quiet.

The other's smile was growing wider as he fought to suppress it, straining his ears to hear what I was about to say.

"Minho and I are uh. . . dating." I mumbled, averting my gaze.

"I knew it!" Felix slammed the desk, getting the attention of some of the other students.

He froze, murmuring a small 'I'm sorry'.

Once everyone had went back about their business, I turned to him wide eyed. "You knew I liked him?!"

Felix snickered, patting my shoulder:

"Oh honey, the whole neighborhood knew."

I sent him a dead look.

He shrugged. "Did you forget I have a nose that can smell something from a mile away? I'm almost positive I smelled him on you this morning, and many times in the past."

I flushed completely red.

"You, perfect little gorgeous princess which I adore, smell like vanilla."

"And it ain't really a secret anymore."


I may put a bit of drama but nobody is dying

vanilla ⤹ 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now