𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 : Insight

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His ears were a dark, royal blue.

I tried to reach for his hand, grab onto him. But when I did, something else happened.

There was an odd noise, the low crackle of lightning, and the push of air. My hands felt, different. Like something happened when we touched. Some kind of force.

Then suddenly, words appeared in my head. Familiar words I'd heard before.

But from where?

White, the wind. Blue, the storm. Red, the shield.

I looked up at Minho's glowing eyes. Trying to register what had happened. But, honestly, I was shocked.

"Hannie, stay still." Minho whispered.

I complied, but I looked towards the man on the floor. His clothes were slightly burnt, smog trailing into the air. He was out cold, little burns here and there on his body.

Then I looked to the woman. She was frightened. But she said nothing. She held herself securely, more than agitated.

"I'm sorry mom." Minho uttered, crouching down to pick me up.

He held my small waist, pulling me to my feet. Light shocks sprung through my body with his touch, but I didn't mind at all. It felt nice, in some peculiar way.

"Let's go." He ran a hand through my hair, starting towards the door.

He ushered me outside, shutting the door.

As he did so, he let out a long, deep sigh.

I was tense.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry he touched you like that." Minho seemed anxious, shoving his hands in his pockets.

He swayed his tail and twitched his ears.

Then it finally sunk in.

"M-Minho. . ."

"Yes doll?"

"Minho stop walking please." I stopped, waiting for the other to halt.

"Jisung, is something wrong?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. He seemed clueless.

"Minho, do you realize what you did just now?"

He averted his gaze, nodding. "Yes."

"And," I neared him, reaching for the fuzzy blue ears on his head.

Minho's eyes widened.

He stepped back, collapsing on the front lawn.

I flinched, crouching down to grab his shoulders. "Min, look at me."

He didn't move. He looked panicked, even scared.

"J-Jisung. . ." He started. "Are my ears showing?"

"S-Showing?!" I flinched. "You mean, y-you're a—"

"Don't even say it." Minho uttered.

A question mark hovered over my head.

"Don't say it." He repeated.

I placed a hand under his chin, lifting his head to face me.

"Min, will you tell me what happened between you and Rio? We never finished what we came here to talk about."

Minho nodded.

"But, can we go to the park? I don't wanna be here anymore." He mumbled.

I smiled, grabbing his hand.

❥ ‑‑‑‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑

The air was cold, rain evidently readying its cry.

The park was empty, not a being in sight. We approached the swing set, plopping down on the thick plastic seats.

I kept quiet, not wanting to say something that would upset the other.

He let out a big sigh.

"I um. . . Rio and I were childhood friends." Minho started a after a long, aggravating moment. "He and I were very close when we were younger. We would play with each other just about everyday, we'd even sleep over each other's house when we were too tired to go home."

I listened carefully, each words leaving an imprint.

"But, we had an accident." The older's breath hitched, as if remembering something better left forgotten.

I was about to speak, but it was as if he read my mind.

He placed a hand on my thigh, reassuring me he was okay.

I nodded, allowing him to continue.

"Rio is a werewolf, as you're well aware. And werewolves, with a bite of bared fangs, can turn a human into their own kind." Minho cringed, his tail and his ears falling frail.

"He bit me."

Just as those words left Minho's mouth, my mind fell blank.

"I wasn't born a werewolf, and what Rio did to me caused much pain to me and my family. Though it was accidental, I hated him for it." He bit his lip.

". . . why?" I asked quietly.

Minho gave me an uncertain look, taking in a big breath. "My father, as you saw, Isn't the nicest man in the world. He's bipolar, and often takes his anger out on me. . ."

I covered my mouth with my frozen hands. I'd never expected such a thing. I always thought he had a some what decent childhood. But I guess, not everyone is how they seem beneath the surface.

My eyes welled, but Minho was quick to wipe my tears. "Promise you won't cry? You asked for an answer, so I'm giving it to you."

I nodded, sniffling.

"Good boy." He chuckled, catching one last stray tear.

"My mother resented Rio for putting me through such pain, but my father, was enraged. He repeatedly claimed I was no longer his son, and I wasn't even their kind. He said he was ashamed of me, and my 'ridiculous' blue ears." He gave air quotations. "He forced me to mask my scent, so even other wolves wouldn't know. He verbally and physically hurt me from time to time, during the period I was learning to hide my ears and tail."

The reality of my best friend's past was crashing down on me, a wave of guilt looming over my head. How had I never noticed he was going through so much?

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

He patted me on the head, smiling weakly.

After a long, uncomfortable silence, I spoke.

"S-So, you have one of the rare fur colors?" I asked quietly. He seemed to want to change subjects.

Minho smiled fondly, watching my expression form doe eyes. "Indeed I do."

"Can I touch them?" I mumbled.

"What's that?"

"N-Nothing!" I averted my gaze, clasping my hands together anxiously.

". . . Yes you can." Minho uttered.

I gasped lightly. "Really?"

He nodded.

I carefully stood up, moving in front of him. He looked up at me with curious eyes, his ears twitching a little. I softly placed my small hands on his fluffy ears, a loud giggle escaping me.

"They're like a blanket." I mumbled through a smile.

I hadn't noticed the way the other looked at me that day. The spark and shimmer his pretty almond eyes presented to the world.

I wish I would've seen it.

I read this so many times but idk how I feel abt it
Is it okay?

vanilla ⤹ 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now